Serverless Framework — Package Your Lambda Functions Easily

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
7 min readDec 22, 2020

Now a days Serverless is rapidly growing Technology in Cloud Computing world. Most of the companies are moving from traditional architecture to either containerised architecture or serverlesss architecture.

AWS is one of the most popular and powerful cloud. It has lot of services and has a great support for serverless technologies.

AWS Lambda is one of the powerful service for running serverless workloads along with the combination of other service such as API Gateway, DynamoDB, S3, etc..

In Software development we all have a requirement of using some external dependencies, when it comes to deploy the code with external packages in AWS Lambda you create a zip file of your code and upload it to S3 bucket and then configure your lambda function to point to that location, but what if I say you don’t have to do all this instead you just focus on creating your code and a framework will take care of packaging and deploying your code to AWS Lambda. Sounds Interesting? If Yes, then continue reading this blog.

Pre-Requisite for Serverless Framework

  • Access Key and Secret Access Key of IAM User.
  • Docker Installed and Running in system
  • Node

Let’s Get Started.

  • Installing Serverless Framework.

Note: If you don’t already have Node on your machine, you’ll need to install it first. I suggest using the latest LTS version of NodeJS.

npm install -g serverless

Creating your service locally

A service is like a project. It's where you define your AWS Lambda Functions, the events that trigger them and any AWS infrastructure resources they require, all in a file called serverless.yml.

We can create a service from a template. I’m going to use Python 3.

serverless create \
--template aws-python3 \
--name harsh-test \
--path harsh-test

The serverless create command will create a service. The --template aws-python3 will initialise our service with python3--name harsh-test will be used as name of service and --path harsh-test will create a directory named harsh-test to store our code and some other files from serverless framework.

serverless framework comes with some pre-defined template. You can read more about other available templates —

serverless create using aws-python3 template

This will create 2 files in our directory namely and serverless.yml file.

Creating Virtual Environment

we will create a virtual environment in the directory created by serverless framework. You can read here about how and why to use virtual environments with Python.

virtualenv venv --python=python3

If you don’t have virtualenv installed you can install it by using pip3 install virtualenv

virtuaenv usig python3

Activate the Virtual Environment using the following command:

source venv/bin/activate

Let’s set up the function we want to deploy. Open in your favourite text editor and add the following lines:

# handler.pyimport numpy as npdef main(event, context):
a = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)
print("Your numpy array:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main('', '')

This is a simple function using an example from the NumPy Quick Start. When working with AWS Lambda Function, you’ll need to define a function that accepts two arguments: event and context. You can read more at AWS about the Lambda Function Handler for Python.

If we run python, it will run our main() function.

Editing and Running file

Ah, we haven’t installed numpy in our virtual environment yet. Let's install numpy in our virtual environment.

pip install numpy
Installing Numpy in virtualenv

I am using pip install numpy but you can also write pip3 insatll numpy While creating virtualenv we have mentioned that we want to create virtualenv using python3 , so in our virtualenv pip will use python3 to install packages.

Let’s create requirements.txt file.

pip freeze > requirements.txt
Generating requirements.txt file

Let’s run our code now.


Congratulations!! 👏 We have successfully ran our python code locally.

Deploying our serverless service

Our function is working locally, and it’s ready for us to deploy to Lambda. Open the serverless.yml file into your favourite text editor and write the following lines:

# serverless.yml---
service: harsh-test
frameworkVersion: '2'provider:
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
handler: handler.main

This is a basic service called harsh-test. It will deploy a single Python 3.8 function named hello to AWS, and the entry point for the hello function is the main function in the module.

serverless.yml file

Our last step before deploying is to add the serverless-python-requirements plugin. Let’s create a package.json file for saving your node dependencies.

This command will create package.json file, accept all the default values.

npm init
create pacakge.json file

Now we will run one more command to install `serverless-python-requirements pacakge

npm install --save serverless-python-requirements
Installing serverless-python-requirements

To configure our serverless.yml file to use the plugin, we'll add the following lines in our serverless.yml:

- serverless-python-requirements
dockerizePip: non-linux

The plugins section registers the plugin with the Framework. In the custom section, we tell the plugin to use Docker when installing packages with pip. It will use a Docker container that's similar to the Lambda environment so the compiled extensions will be compatible.

One last step before doing the deployment is to configure our IAM User’s keys.

aws configure

It will ask you for your Access_Key_Id and Secret_Access_Key of IAM User. Configure values properly.

Finally we will deploy our Function:

serverless deploy

Congratulations! 👏 You have successfully deployed your AWS Lambda Function using Serverless Framework.

Using Variables

Till now we have created our basic lambda function deployed it using serverless framework with one simple command.

Let’s take one step ahead and make our environment a bit dynamic.

Consider a scenario where you want to deploy the same function in multiple Environments. We will use some custom variables inside our serverless.yml file to deploy our code to multiple region.

Open the serverless.yml file and add the following lines:

  • Adding Custom Variables
[Previous Content.....]custom:
defaultEnv: dev
#Env Specific Variables dev:
region: us-east-1
profile: dev
region: ap-south-1
profile: staging
dockerizePip: non-linux

In our serverless.yml file we have key called custom . In this we have mentioned defaultEnv: dev and we have also created dev key and we have specified we want to use us-east-1 region and dev profile. Similarly for staging Environment. You can read more about variables in serverless framework here.

  • Consume Variables in our Provider.
[Existing Content.....]provider:
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
stage: ${opt:stage, self:custom.defaultStage}
region: ${self:custom.${self:provider.stage}.region}
profile: ${opt:profile,self:custom.${self:provider.stage}.profile}
[Existing Content....]

In our provider section we have written stage: ${opt:stage, self:custom.defaultStage} which means that we can pass the value of stage while running command serverless deploy or it will user the default stage. For Example if you write serverless deploy --stage staging so it will be translated to stage: staging . You an read more about available options for AWS Provider here. The keys which I am using in provider is all from that documentation and we are making it dynamic.

  • Now we will deploy our Existing function to Stage Environment.

We need to run AWS Configure again to configure the credentials for our stageing Environment.

aws configure --profile staging

You have to configure Access_Key_Id and Secret_Access_Key of Staging environment IAM User.

  • Final serverless.yml file:
service: harsh-test
frameworkVersion: '2'custom:
defaultStage: dev
region: us-east-1
profile: dev
region: ap-south-1
profile: staging
dockerizePip: non-linux
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
stage: ${opt:stage, self:custom.defaultStage}
region: ${self:custom.${self:provider.stage}.region}
profile: ${opt:profile,self:custom.${self:provider.stage}.profile}
handler: handler.main
- serverless-python-requirements

Deploy Our Function to Another Environment

Once you are done with the changes in serverless.yml file we just need to run one command and It will deploy our function to Environment.

serverless deploy --stage staging --profile staging

Note: — In my case my Environment name is staging and my AWS Profile name is also staging. That’s why in our command the stage name and profile names are same. The --profile corresponds to AWS Profile while configuring AWS Credentials.

