Serverless Image Processing with AWS Lambda and S3

A Step by Step Tutorial of using AWS Lambda.

Furqan Butt
Analytics Vidhya


Image by @nimbus_vulpis from

My last article summarized what is AWS Lambda and how we can benefit from it to build highly complex serverless systems. We looked at what the Lambda service comprises off and what good features it offers. You can check out my introductory article on AWS Lambda here. If you’re new to cloud and AWS you can check out my beginner's article on that:

For this article, I have chosen an interesting use case — creating image thumbnails with lambda service whenever an image is uploaded on S3. This would be a step-by-step tutorial for beginners to get started on using the Lambda service.

Getting Started with AWS Lambda

The Lambda service being a serverless compute service can be used for a variety of use cases. The on-demand nature of the service, its pricing model, and the scalability being offered are very lucrative features that make it a good choice for a backend service. We only have to upload our code and publish our lambda…



Furqan Butt
Analytics Vidhya

Data Engineer, Python Developer. Let's connect ***Open to tech writing opportunities***