DS in the Real World

Setting up Anaconda for Linear Optimization with Gurobi

Rafael Lucas
Analytics Vidhya
8 min readApr 1, 2020


My Anaconda don’t

Anaconda Individual Edition is the easiest way to get Python and all its packages and tools needed for modeling, data analysis and data visualization. With one simple installation we are going to have our development environment setup and ready to go.

want none

One of the most powerful advantages of Anaconda is the ability to create and manage different Python virtual environments. These virtual environments can have different Python versions and/or packages installed with it. You will be able to create, export, list, remove, and update said environments with Anaconda. You can easily “zip” your whole development environment and deploy it somewhere else if needed and keep your code and workflow untouched.

unless you got

We will also install and use Visual Studio Code and its Python extension as our main IDE (Integrated Development Environment). DO A FAVOR TO YOURSELF AND NEVER EVER USE BUILT IN PYTHON IDLE. It is super basic and you will need a more powerful tool to run and debug your code. VSC will not only support Python, auto-complete and give you easy access to documentation but also fully support and integrate Jupyter Notebooks (I will make…

