Show me your pandas!

Bogdan Samoletskyi
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2020

Creating slideshow presentations using RISE.

Creating a project in Jupyter notebook is good, but what about to present your project to other people? How can you create a presentation of your idea, concept or project, written in the Jupyter notebook?

One of the relatively simple approaches how to it — using RISE.

What is RISE?

RISE is the presentation module for Jupyter notebook, which uses Reveal.js under the hood. There’s a good presentation here from the author Damian Avila.

How to install it?

You can install it using conda:

conda install -c conda-forge rise

or pip:

pip install RISE

or you can use Azure Notebook (like me) where it’s already installed.

Basic usage.

Pretty easy. You need to activate Slideshow Cell Toolbar:

slideshow cell toolbar

Go to View/Cell Toolbar and click on Slideshow.

After that you can chose the Cell Slide Type:

There’s a few types of slides:

Slide — speaks for itself, from this cell new slide will be started.

Subslide — Type of slide which will appears under the current slide

Fragment — Fragment of the slide if you want that not all information appears immediately on the slide, you should divide your slide into fragments.

Skip — skip this cell, it won’t be appear on the slide.

Notes — This cell works as a notes.

“ — ” — Inherit behavior from the cell above.

After you will put all the types on your cells you can take a look how it works.

Just click this button:

And show begins!

How to handle presentation?

Just click on the “?” sign in the left down corner and you will see the modal window with shortcuts:

More customization.

If you want customize your presentation you can do it too. One of the easiest way — through Notebook metadata . Here you can create a background, footer and header and much more! If your interested, you can take a look at RISE customize help page.


Using RISE you can easily create a simple slide presentation of your notebook. It can be highly useful for presentations and meetings.

