Tableau: Hierarchies

Organize data and simplify visualization by creating Hierarchies

Laura Carnevali
Analytics Vidhya


Photo by Edvard Alexander Rølvaag on Unsplash

Hierarchies are commonly used in Tableau to organize data and simplify the data visualization process.

A typical example is when we deal with Geographic data, and we need to create a hierarchy to define the relationship between countries, regions, and provinces.

The database that we are using is composed of Italian regions, provinces, and their respective populations.

One way to create a hierarchy is to Drag and Drop one element into the other. In our example, Provinces is a sub-category of Region . Therefore, we click on Provinces and Drag and Drop it into Region .

After choosing the name of the hierarchy, we have just created…

…we can see it in the Data Pane (1) and in the Rows Field (2).

