TFIDF custom implementation

Rajneesh Jha
3 min readJul 4, 2023


What is TFIDF ?

We have previously written an exhaustive blog explaining the TF-IDF concept. Please go though the blog placed at before going through the python implementation.

How to implement ?

TF-IDF consist of two terms :

Term Frequency : It measures how frequently a particular term occurs in a document. Every document have different lengths, thus a term may be occur multiple times in longer document, thus as a measure of normalization we divide the frequency of term by the length of the document.

  • TF = Number of times a word appear in a document / Number of words in a document.

Inverse Document Frequency : It measure how important a term is. It weigh down the frequent term depending upon the corpus of documents and at the same time it scale up in case of rare words.

IDF = log(total number of documents / total number of documents containing the word)

Sklearn has done some processing to this formula to make it more robust.

  • Vocabulary generated from IDF is in sorted order
  • IDF = 1 + log(total number of documents +1 / total number of documents containing the word + 1)
  • L2-Normalization is applied on the top of the output
  • Final output is a sparse matrix

Implementation :

corpus = [  'this is the first document',  'this document is the second document',  'and this is the third one',  'is this the first document', ]
from collections import Counter
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import math
import operator
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
import numpy as np
#it is the fit function which takes the corpus and return idf dictionary
def fit(corpus):

#words is a set which contains all the unique values

#travelling all the documents in the corpus and adding the individual
#words to set
for row in corpus:
#splitting the documets to get all the individual rows.
for word in row.split(" "):
#sorting the list of words

#defining the idf dict

#counting the number of documnets in corpus which contain the
#particular words
for word in sorted_words:
for row in corpus:
if word in row.split(" "):
#calculating idf accoring to the formula mentioned above
#adding idf to dictionary
#returning idf_dict
return idf_dict
def transorm(corpus, idf_dict):
#defining 3 list which will contain rows and columns and values for
#sparse matrix
#travelling the corpus's documents one by one
for index,row in enumerate(tqdm(corpus)):
# it will return a dict type object where key is the word and
#values is its frequency, {word:frequency}
# for every unique word in the document
for word,frequency in word_frequency.items():
#getting idf of the word
#getting column index to create sparse matrix
#calcultaing term frequency

#creating csr_matrix
matrix=csr_matrix((values, (rows,columns)), shape= (len(corpus),len(idf_dict)))
#normalizing csr_matrix
matrix= normalize(matrix, copy=False)

return matrix
corpus = [
'this is the first document',
'this document is the second document',
'and this is the third one',
'is this the first document',
#calling fit function
#calling transform function

Conclusion :

In this post we have implemented the TFIDF function in python which resembles the one implemented in scikit learn. Please tune in for the next blog where we will learn how to implement max-feature functionality of TFIDF sklearn implementation.

