The NOT definitive guide to learning math for machine learning

38 free resources to learn calculus, algebra, and statistics.

Favio Vázquez
Analytics Vidhya
4 min readFeb 26, 2020



This guide is not “the definitive” one because it’s my take on the subject, and also I hate when people say that what they say it’s the definitive thing.

Hi all! This is a reproduction of my latest newsletter for Data Science Now, a show I have with my company Closter about the latest trends in data science, machine learning, and AI, but I also cover educational material like this.

You can hear the podcast version here:

And if you prefer you can watch the video recording here (sadly we had issues with the video, so it’s just a Youtube video with the audio):

I’m live every Wednesday at 8 PM CST at LinkedIn if you want to see the show :)

In this session, I talked about the importance of mathematics in the world of data science, machine learning and friends.

In order to really feel the power that machine learning gives us, we need to know how the most important models work inside. It is not necessary to have a PhD in mathematics (although excellent and recommended if possible) to know these aspects. I talked about the importance of mathematics in the world of data science, machine learning and friends.

There are multiple ways of getting all this knowledge. You can do a career in science, engineering, something like that, or you can enroll in GOOD data science and machine learning courses.

So without further ado, here are my recommendations to learn math:

General Books (All free):

Algebra (Free courses and books)

My sister (Héizel Vázquez) and I reproduced the diagram (in a prettier format) for Algebra from the book Mathematics of Machine Learning in English and Spanish, so here they are:

Calculus (Free courses and books)

Again my sister and I reproduced the diagram for Calculus from the book Mathematics of Machine Learning in English and Spanish, so here they are:

Statistics and Probability (Free courses and books)

As you can imagine my sister and I reproduced the diagram for Statistics and Probability from the book Mathematics of Machine Learning in English and Spanish, so here they are:

Hopefully, this helps you find a good path to study and learn what you need to know to rule the world of mathematics. Always Remember:

There’s no easy path, you have to practice, study, and if you want to know where you’re going, you need to understand where you come from.

Thanks for reading this, please subscribe share this with your network, it would help us a lot :)

With love by the Closter Team:

Gabriel Erives, Héizel Vázquez, Eilén Vázquez, Favio Vázquez.



Favio Vázquez
Analytics Vidhya

Data scientist, physicist and computer engineer. Love sharing ideas, thoughts and contributing to Open Source in Machine Learning and Deep Learning ;).