Tools and Technology for a career in analytics — Part 1

This article, part 1 of a series of articles, covers some python libraries I have found useful throughout my career working in analytics ranging from data curating, model training and machine learning model deployment

Marco Susilo
Analytics Vidhya


Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to cover the end to end spectrum of analytics. From sourcing data, feature engineering, developing data pipelines, training machine learning models and deploying machine learning models. As a result of this wide breadth of exposure in my career, I have been exposed to several tools, technology and libraries. This is part 1 of a multi-part series of articles I will publish covering the tools I use.


This is my go to programming language when developing data pipelines, big data processing, machine learning and plenty of other applications (eg. web applications). Python is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language. It support multiple programming paradigms beyond just object oriented which includes procedural and functional programming.

Coming from a non-Python background, I found the language very easy to pick up and become productive quickly. The language…



Marco Susilo
Analytics Vidhya

A Kaggle expert, certified Machine Learning Specialist AWS, passionate about cloud, analytics and technology. Founder of PassionIT (