Top 4 programming languages and frameworks for mobile apps in 2021

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2021
Photo by Rahul Chakraborty on Unsplash

What everyone wants!

This article will walk you through the top 4 programming languages and frameworks for mobile app development that are dominating the field in 2021.

These dominant 4 programming languages and frameworks for mobile apps are going to be ranked by 2 factors;

1. The time it takes for you to learn the language even if you are a complete beginner and build real world projects.
2. What the demand and average salary for these programming languages and frameworks are, in 2021.

Keep reading if you want to know the list and the important advice at the end.

With that said, let's jump right into it!

Here is the list

Number 4


Image by author

This open source programming language is used to develop mobile applications that heavily serves Apple’s software ecosystem.

This beginner friendly programming language was developed by Apple, where more than half of the apps in the appstore ( iOS and Mac OS), are developed using Swift.

The support from Apple is immensely evident given the reason above.

Companies like Apple, Slack, utilize Swift as their programming language for mobile application development.

This however limits its utility in some areas.

Ultimately, Swift is an amazing programming language for mobile app development to learn in 2021.

A Swift developer earns an average salary of about $107000 per annum in the United States.

Number 3


Image by author

Although, Java 8 can be used to develop Android apps, most developers prefer Kotlin for developing Android native apps probably because it is pretty much beginner friendly.

This JVM-based language, which was originally developed by Jet brains and now endorsed by Google, supports all Java libraries.

Therefore, developing backend services using Kotlin also will be trending, as well.

Organizations that make use of Kotlin are:
# Pinterest
# Cousera and many more.

More so, most google apps like YouTube, Google drive etc, were developed using Kotlin.

So, a Kotlin developer, with few years of experience, earn an average salary of about $140000 annually in the US.

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Next up!

Number 2


Image by author

Flutter is the fastest rising mobile app development framework for building natively complied apps across mobile, web and desktop, from a single codebase.

It is powered by Dart, a client optimized, object- oriented programming language for building apps on multiple platforms.

It is open sourced and was developed by Google in 2018.

Flutter is pretty much easy to learn and fast to develop.

It has a custom UI in conjunction with the hot reloading functionality.

It is gamification friendly and the high performance shown by flutter apps is strikingly brilliant.

Its native performance is pretty sleek even if it is not natively developed.

Apps like Google ads apps, Xianyu app by Alibaba and so on, were developed using Flutter.

A flutter developer, with a fair amount of experience, earns an average salary of $130000 per annum in the United States.

And finally the hottest programming language or framework for mobile application development in 2021 is.....🥁🥁🥁

Wait for it!

Number 1

React Native

Image by author

React Native is a programming framework in JavaScript that is used to build full, native mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms by developers.

It was developed by Facebook in 2013.
It is very beginner friendly, open sourced and has a pretty huge active community.

Developing with React native reduces the time spent to build projects and also saves money.

React native apps makes use of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPC) instead of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in its automation, making it extremely fast.

Its flexibility is pretty much limitless, making it easier to upgrade and update the mobile application.

It also performs almost like a native mobile app and has that awesome hot reloading functionality.

These are some of the main reasons why React native is used by major companies like:
# Instagram
# Walmart
# Facebook
# Skype
# Tesla
# Airbnb
# Adidas Glitch, and so on.

A React Native developer, with fair amount of experience, earns an average salary of $172800 annually in the United States

Advice for Developers (Mostly young developers)

What we face.

Photo by Doğukan Şahin on Unsplash

Getting into a learning process, whereby there are so many resources and tools out there to choose and learn from, we become inevitably overwhelmed.
Either because we don’t know what to choose or we choose and end up losing interest then jumping to the next, making no forward progress or making a mistake of probably learning an outdated or gradually diminishing or declining resource.

Choosing the best language

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

So, in order to choose from any of these languages or frameworks, you must have a goal.

If you choose without having a goal in mind, you may end up jumping from one language to the other without making any progress.

  1. If your goal is to develop amazing Apple mobile apps , you can go for Swift.

2. If you want to get into Android native app development, you can choose Kotlin.

3. If you want to get into hybrid mobile application development, you can pick JavaScript (React native) or Dart (Flutter)


So there we have it!
Those are the top 4 programming languages and frameworks for mobile apps in 2021!
I hope this has been helpful.
Thanks for your time and Good luck!

Agbejule Kehinde Favour.



Analytics Vidhya

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