Understanding Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science

What are the some of the over hyped terms and what do they mean?

Chan Naseeb
Analytics Vidhya


@copyright Chan Naseeb

What does all these buzz word mean and how are they relevant for you?

In the article, I have tried to elaborate in very few words what do these terms such as AI, ML, DL and Data Science mean. Right from mimicing the human behavior to applying AI to get the value for the businesses. To read more on human and AI working together, read this article on collaborative intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

AI aims at making computers capable to mimic human intelligence.

Programs that can sense, learn, reason, and adapt come under the area of AI

Algorithms that mimic human intelligence and resolve problems in smart ways.

Programs with the ability to learn and reason like humans.

AI encompasses any techniques and algorithms that enable computers to mimic human intelligence. It includes Machine Learning.

AI includes other fields such as Expert Systems, Knowledge based system, Logic based systems etc.

Machine Learning



Chan Naseeb
Analytics Vidhya

Data Science & AI (ML, DL etc), IoT, Blockchain. AI evangelist, helping organizations to become AI & Data driven. https://www.linkedin.com/in/channaseeb/