Understanding OpenTSDB — A distributed and scalable Time Series Database

Suhas N M
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2020

Learn the fundamentals of OpenTSDB, understand its architecture, and learn how to use it.

OpenTSDB stands for Open Time Series Data Base. OpenTSDB, as the name suggests, is a time-series database built on top of HBase. It has excellent read and write performance, it scales up very well and it is distributed. There are several concepts and terminologies we need to understand before jumping into the core of OpenTSDB, we will go over them before moving on to its architecture. In the end, we will see how to interact with OpenTSDB to write and read data.


TSD — Stands for Time Series Daemon, this is the service that runs on the machine which is responsible for interacting with HBase and store/retrieve data

Epoch — Numerical representation of time. It has two formats, 10 digits representing the number of seconds elapsed from 1st Jan 1970 and 13 digits representing the number of milliseconds elapsed from the same date. Often, epoch numbers are used while storing and querying data in OpenTSDB.

Metric — Metric is the entity we are capturing in the time series data. In the case of monitoring a person’s heart rate, heart rate is the metric. In the case of tracking the stock price of a company, the stock price is the metric.

Tags — We can think of a tag as an annotation over time series data point. A tag describes a metric’s property, sets the context of data in the named metric. Tags are key-value pairs and each data point can have more than one tag. In the case of monitoring the heart rate of patients, the name of the patient becomes an annotation, distinguishing each patient’s data separately. Here, “heart rate” is the metric, “name” is the tag, and “Thomas”, the name of the patient, is the value of the tag. Other tags could be “Age”, “gender”. Tag values are used to filter/aggregate data while querying.

Time Series Data — A time series is a series of data points indexed in time order. Examples include the continuous monitoring of a person’s heart rate, hourly readings of air temperature, the daily closing price of a company stock etc. In the context of OpenTSDB, a time series data is the information of a metric with a unique set of tags changing over time.

Downsampling — Downsampling is the process of reducing the sampling rate, or resolution, of data. If data queried is for a longer duration, the number of points received will be high, this will cause slower query throughput. For example, if data is stored at a second level and if we are querying data for 1 week, we get 604800 data points. If we downsample the data and get data at a minute interval, we get 10080. This reduces query time, network latency, and overall load on the system.

Aggregation — Aggregation is the collection of multiple data. OpenTSDB was designed to efficiently combine multiple, distinct time series during query execution. For example, if we wish to see the average heart rate of all male patients, then we aggregate all time-series data of male patients using average as an aggregate function. This will give us one set of points that shows the average heart rate of all male patients.

Interpolation — For aggregation to work, we need data to be present for the queried time range. If we are aggregating data at a minute level, we need data 60 data points for each minute. But in the real world, there is a very good chance that data is missing in between. OpenTSDB fills in these gaps using interpolation. For example, for “zimsum” type of aggregation, OpenTSDB interpolates by filling 0 for all missing values and then aggregates it by summing up data.


OpenTSDB is an interface over HBase. It stored data in 4 HBase tables namely, TSDB, TSDB-UID, TSDB-META, TSDB-TREE. How it stores data in these tables is out of the scope of this discussion, in the future I will write a blog on that. So before running OpenTSDB, HBase has to be running.

OpenTSDB Architecture

OpenTSDB consists of a Time Series Daemon (TSD) as well as a set of command-line utilities. Interaction with OpenTSDB is primarily achieved by running one or more of the TSDs. Each TSD is independent. There is no master, no shared state so you can run as many TSDs as required to handle any load you throw at it. The data schema is highly optimized for fast aggregations of similar time series to minimize storage space. Users of the TSD never need to access the underlying store directly. You can communicate with the TSD via a simple telnet-style protocol, an HTTP API, or a simple built-in GUI. A collector is a program that will fetch and feed data to TSD. All communications happen on the same port (the TSD figures out the protocol of the client by looking at the first few bytes it receives).

We can write data in OpenTSDB using Telnet style API or using HTTP Post request. Reads happen using HTTP get request. OpenTSDB also has an interface which has few controls and displays graph of a metric, it looks like this:

OpenTSDB Interface

Writing Data in OpenTSDB

As mentioned above, there are two ways of writing data in OpenTSDB, we will briefly discuss both of them here.

Telnet style:

Here we first make a telnet connection to TSD using any telnet client and send commands to insert data into OpenTSDB. Here is the format of the command:

Telnet Format


telnet> room_temperature 1588334464 33 floor=1 room_number=10

HTTP Style:

To store data in HTTP style, use any HTTP client, and make a post request to OpenTSDB put API. We can store single or multiple data points at once using this API. It also accepts the query parameter, the two most popular query parameters are details and summary. Detail query parameter gives details of the result, how many were successfully stored, how many failed, and the reason for failure as well. And summary just gives the count of success and failure. API looks like this:



API : http://localhost:4242/api/put/?sumamryMethod Type: PostBody:[
"metric": "room_temperature",
"timestamp": 1346846400,
"value": 18,
"tags": {
"floor": "1",
"room_no": "10"
"metric": "room_temperature",
"timestamp": 1346846400,
"value": 21,
"tags": {
"floor": "1",
"room_no": "11"
"failed": 0,
"success": 2

Above is one way, we can also compress and send data in the post body using the gzip compression technique. Also, it is optional to send an array if only one object is being stored, we could directly send the object without wrapping it inside an array.

Reading data from OpenTSDB

We can use the OpenTSDB interface which runs on port 4242 by default to view data by setting all required fields in it. Alternatively, we can use the HTTP API to read data from OpenTSDB. The query API accepts a wide range of options like aggregation method, interval, tag values, etc. We can use query parameters or send the query in the request payload. Here is an example of accessing data using query parameters:

"metric": "room_temperature",
"tags": {
"floor": "1"
"aggregated_tags": ["room_no"],
"tsuids": [
"dps": {
"1346846400": 18,
"1346846460": 20,

The above example is a simple one, which specifies the start time to be 1 hour ago relative to the current time, downsampled for getting 1 point for 1m using avg as aggregation function. we have specified to fill in zero for values that are not available. we have filtered to get only data for floor 1 (This makes it aggregate temperatures of all the rooms on the 1st floor).

Output has the metric name, tags and tag values, it specifies the tags which were aggregated, tsuid (unique id assigned by TSDB), and dps (Data PointS). DPS contains key-value pairs where keys are timestamps in epoch and values are the computed values for the particular timestamp.

There is a lot more to OpenTSDB than what is described here. Leave a comment if you need more information. Thanks for reading :)



Suhas N M
Analytics Vidhya

Data Engineer, Spark Developer, technology enthusiast and Scala/java programmer