Unraveling the Black Box: Explainable AI (XAI)

Jithmi Shashirangana
6 min readJun 12, 2024


Imagine a bank using AI to decide who gets a loan. They have this super smart AI that’s supposed to make fair decisions quickly. But when loan officers see the AI saying “yes” or “no” without explaining why, they hesitate to trust it. They want to know how it made the decision.

That’s where explainable AI (XAI) comes in. It’s like having a clear window into the AI’s brain, showing how it thinks. In banking, where trust is crucial, XAI helps everyone understand why certain decisions are made. In this blog, we’ll talk about why XAI matters, how it works, and the challenges it faces.

The Need for Transparency in AI Decision-Making

Explainable AI (XAI) refers to the ability of artificial intelligence systems to provide clear and understandable explanations for their decisions and actions, enabling users to comprehend and trust the reasoning behind AI-driven outcomes. Essentially, it aims to demystify the inner workings of AI models, making them transparent and interpretable to humans.

Understanding how AI systems make decisions is crucial for building trust, ensuring accountability, and promoting ethical use of AI technology. In fields like healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles, where AI impacts real-world outcomes, the black-box nature of traditional AI models presents significant challenges. Without visibility into the decision-making process, users may be hesitant to rely on AI recommendations, leading to skepticism and reluctance to embrace AI solutions.

The core issue lies in the opacity of traditional machine learning models, such as deep neural networks, which transform input data into predictions without offering clear explanations for their decisions. This lack of transparency stems from the intricate interactions among millions of parameters within these models, making it difficult for humans to understand how inputs lead to outputs.

Techniques for Achieving Explainability

To address this challenge, researchers have developed techniques to enhance the transparency and interpretability of AI models.

  • Feature importance analysis quantifies the impact of each input variable on the model’s predictions by assigning numerical scores that represent their relative influence. In medical diagnosis, for instance, analyzing the importance of patient characteristics like age, gender, and medical history can provide valuable insights into the decision-making process. For example, in a predictive model for heart disease risk assessment, feature importance analysis might reveal that age and medical history of heart conditions carry higher importance scores compared to gender. This information helps users understand how the AI arrives at its conclusions, highlighting which patient factors contribute most significantly to the predictive outcome.
  • Model visualization serves as a powerful tool, offering users a window into the underlying patterns and correlations hidden within vast datasets. Through graphical representations like scatter plots, heatmaps, and interactive dashboards, users gain intuitive insights into how AI models process information and arrive at decisions. In natural language processing (NLP), model visualization helps researchers understand how words relate and what they mean in different contexts. Tools like word clouds and attention maps show patterns and trends in text, like sentiment and themes. This deeper understanding helps improve AI models for tasks like analyzing feelings in text, sorting documents, and translating languages.
verlaying predictions onto the original images enables clinicians to assess the model’s performance and identify potential areas for improvement in medical imaging analysis. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.00340.pdf
  • Saliency maps are a visualization technique that highlights the most influential regions of input data for an AI model’s predictions. By analyzing gradients, they identify which pixels or features contribute most to the model’s decision-making. Using color gradients or heatmaps, saliency maps visually represent the importance of each pixel or feature. This allows users to understand which parts of the input data the model focuses on, providing valuable insights into its inner workings. Such visual explanations enhance trust in AI systems by transparently revealing the factors guiding their decisions. Particularly useful in image classification and object detection, saliency maps empower users to improve model performance and ensure responsible AI deployment across diverse applications.
This saliency map shows where an AI model focuses its attention in the image.
  • Rule extraction takes complex AI models and simplifies them into understandable rules that behave like the original model. These rules are easy for humans to read and explain how the AI makes decisions. For example, in medical diagnosis, rule extraction might say something like “if a person has high blood pressure and high cholesterol, predict heart disease.” These simple rules help us trust AI decisions because they’re clear and easy to understand, just like advice from a knowledgeable friend.
  • Surrogate modeling involves creating a simplified model, often using techniques like decision trees or linear regression, to approximate the behavior of a more complex AI model, such as a deep neural network. This simplified model captures the essential relationships between input features and predictions, providing a more interpretable alternative to the original AI model. To build the surrogate model, training data is used to learn the mapping between inputs and outputs, similar to training the original AI model. However, the surrogate model aims to strike a balance between simplicity and accuracy, ensuring that it remains understandable while still capturing the essence of the original model’s decision-making process. By enabling users to understand the decision-making process without sacrificing accuracy, surrogate modeling serves as a valuable tool for enhancing transparency and interpretability in AI systems.

Beyond the methods we’ve covered in detail, there are some other neat tricks to understand how AI works:

Imagine you’re asking “What if?” and getting answers from your AI. That’s what counterfactual explanations do — they show how changing input variables could affect predictions. Then there are local explanations, which zoom into each prediction, helping you see why the AI made specific choices, kind of like a magnifying glass for errors. Integrated gradients dive deep into the nitty-gritty, showing exactly how each input feature influences the AI’s decisions, in a super precise, mathematically solid way. Lastly, prototype explanations pick out familiar examples from the data to show you how the AI behaves, making complex stuff easy to grasp.

Challenges and Limitations of Explainable AI

Let’s shine a light on some of the hurdles we’re facing in the world of Explainable AI (XAI):

  1. Complexity vs. Interpretability: One of the biggest challenges is finding the right balance between the complexity of AI models and their interpretability. Often, the most accurate AI models are also the most complex, making them difficult to understand and explain. As we strive to develop more transparent AI systems, we must navigate the trade-offs between model accuracy and interpretability, ensuring that users can trust AI decisions without sacrificing performance.
  2. Black-Box Algorithms: Many AI algorithms, such as deep neural networks, operate as black boxes, meaning they make predictions without providing clear explanations for their decisions. Deciphering these black-box models poses a significant challenge, especially in high-stakes applications like healthcare and finance, where transparency is crucial. Overcoming this limitation requires developing new techniques for extracting interpretable insights from black-box models, enabling users to understand and trust AI-driven outcomes.
  3. Data Bias and Fairness: Another critical issue is the potential for bias in AI systems, which can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes. If AI models are trained on biased or incomplete data, they may perpetuate existing inequalities or make decisions that are unfair to certain groups. Achieving fairness and mitigating bias in AI requires careful attention to data collection, preprocessing, and model development processes. Moreover, ensuring transparency in how AI systems handle sensitive data and make decisions is essential for building trust and promoting ethical use.

In summary, while Explainable AI holds tremendous promise for enhancing transparency and trust in AI systems, overcoming challenges like model complexity, black-box algorithms, and data bias is essential for realizing its full potential. By addressing these obstacles head-on and developing innovative solutions, we can pave the way for more transparent, accountable, and ethically sound AI technology.


  1. Xu, Feiyu & Uszkoreit, Hans & Du, Yangzhou & Fan, Wei & Zhao, Dongyan & Zhu, Jun. (2019). Explainable AI: A Brief Survey on History, Research Areas, Approaches and Challenges. 10.1007/978–3–030–32236–6_51.



Jithmi Shashirangana

Senior Software Engineer | AWS Certified Developer | Java Backend Developer | Passionate writer exploring the fascinating world of AI.