What is calibration of the classifier and when to use it?

4 min readMay 17, 2024


So as all the data scientists when build the classification model, most of them tries to predict directly the class in which the given data point exist. But lets say if we have the probabilities of the given data point lying to the given class we can do more on that like interpreting the probability and other things.

Predicting probabilities are near the expected distribution then we called that as calibrate. The major problem lies when the algorithm does not calibrate so we need to adjust or calibrate the predicting probabilities such that it goes near to expected distribution.

Importance of Calibration

  1. Interpretability: Well-calibrated probabilities can be directly interpreted as confidence levels.
  2. Decision Making: Accurate probabilities are essential for decision-making processes that rely on risk assessments or cost-sensitive decisions.
  3. Comparison Across Models: Calibration helps in comparing the performance of different models more fairly.

Calibration of a classifier is a critical step in the field of machine learning that ensures the predicted probabilities of a model truly reflect the actual likelihood of an event. In simpler terms, it’s about making sure that when your model says there’s a 70% chance of rain, it really does rain 70% of the time.

Understanding classifier calibration can significantly improve the reliability of machine learning models, particularly in scenarios where decisions are made based on predicted probabilities, such as medical diagnosis, weather forecasting, and financial risk assessment.

When to Use Calibration

Scenario 1: Decision Making Based on Probabilities

In scenarios where decisions are based on predicted probabilities rather than just the predicted class, calibration is essential. For instance, in credit scoring, knowing the exact probability of default helps in setting appropriate interest rates.

Scenario 2: Imbalanced Datasets

Calibration is particularly useful when dealing with imbalanced datasets, where some classes are much less frequent than others. Standard classifiers may be biased towards the majority class, but calibration can help in providing more accurate probability estimates for the minority class.

Scenario 3: High-Stakes Predictions

In high-stakes predictions, such as medical diagnoses or autonomous driving, the cost of incorrect predictions is very high. Calibrated models can provide more reliable probability estimates, which is crucial for making safer and more effective decisions.

How to Calibrate a Classifier

Methods of Calibration

There are several methods to calibrate classifiers:

  1. Platt Scaling: This method fits a logistic regression model to the output of the classifier, providing a mapping from the original scores to calibrated probabilities.
  2. Isotonic Regression: This is a non-parametric method that fits a piecewise constant function to the output of the classifier, which can be more flexible than Platt Scaling.
  3. Temperature Scaling: Commonly used with neural networks, this method adjusts the logits (raw outputs) of the model by dividing by a temperature parameter, which is learned on a validation set.

Steps to Calibrate a Classifier

  1. Train Your Classifier: Start by training your classifier on the training data as usual.
  2. Hold-Out Calibration Set: Set aside a part of your data as a calibration set. This set should not be used for training the classifier.
  3. Apply Calibration Method: Use one of the calibration methods (e.g., Platt Scaling or Isotonic Regression) on the calibration set to adjust the predicted probabilities.
  4. Evaluate: Check the calibration of your model using calibration plots and metrics like Brier score or log-loss.

Visualizing Calibration

Calibration Plots

A common way to visualize calibration is through a calibration plot (or reliability diagram). This plot compares predicted probabilities with actual outcomes. For a well-calibrated model, the points should lie on or near the diagonal line, indicating that predicted probabilities correspond well with observed frequencies.

Example of a Calibration Plot

In the calibration plot:

  • X-Axis: Predicted probability bins (e.g., 0.1, 0.2, …, 1.0)
  • Y-Axis: Fraction of positives (actual frequency of the event)

A point at (0.7, 0.7) indicates that out of all instances where the model predicted a 70% chance of the event, the event occurred 70% of the time.


Calibration of classifiers is an essential step in building reliable machine learning models, especially when dealing with probabilistic predictions. By ensuring that the predicted probabilities are accurate, calibration enhances the decision-making process across various applications, from healthcare to finance to weather forecasting.

Understanding and applying calibration methods can significantly improve the performance and trustworthiness of your machine learning models, leading to better outcomes and more informed decisions.

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