What is Time Series Forecasting?

Jaydip Bhanderi
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2020

In this article, we will be discussing an algorithm that helps us analyze past trends and lets us focus on what is to unfold next so this algorithm is time series forecasting.

What is Time Series Analysis?

In this analysis, you have one variable -TIME. A time series is a set of observations taken at a specified time usually equal in intervals. It is used to predict future value based on previously observed data points.

Here some examples where time series is used.

  1. Business forecasting
  2. Understand the past behavior
  3. Plan future
  4. Evaluate current accomplishments.

Components of time series :

  1. Trend: Let’s understand by example, let's say in a new construction area someone open hardware store now while construction is going on people will buy hardware. but after completing construction buyers of hardware will be reduced. So for some times selling goes high and then low its called uptrend and downtrend.
  2. Seasonality: Every year chocolate sell goes high during the end of the year due to Christmas. This same pattern happens every year while in the trend that is not the case. Seasonality is repeating same pattern at same intervals.
  3. Irregularity: It is also called noise. When something unusual happens that affects the regularity, for example, there is a natural disaster once in many years lets say it is flooded so people buying medicine more in that period. This what no one predicted and you don’t know how many numbers of sales going to happen.
  4. Cyclic: It is basically repeating up and down movements so this means it can go more than one year so it doesn’t have fix pattern and it can happen any time and it is much harder to predict.

Stationarity of a time series:

A series is said to be “strictly stationary” if the marginal distribution of Y at time t[p(Yt)] is the same as at any other point in time. This implies that the mean, variance, and covariance of the series Yt are time-invariant.

However, a series said to be “weakly stationary” or “covariance stationary” if mean and variance are constant and covariance of two-point Cov(Y1, Y1+k)=Cov(Y2, Y2+k)=const, which depends only on lag k but do not depend on time explicitly.

Different Time Series Processes:

  • White Noise: A series is called white noise if it is purely random in nature. The scatter plot of such a series across time will indicate no pattern so forecasting the future value of such a series is not possible.
  • Auto-Regressive model: An AR model is one in which Y(t) depends on its own past values Y(t-1), Y(t-2), Y(t-3), etc. a common representation of an AR model where it depends on p of its past values called as AR(p) model is represented below.
AR(p) model
  • Moving Average model: A moving average model is one when Y(t) depends on the random error terms which following a white noise process. A common representation of the moving average model where it depends on q of its past values of white noise distribution called MA(q) model.
MA(q) model
  • AutoRegressive Moving Average model: This is a mix of both AR and MA models referred to ARMA(p,q). It depends on p its own past values and q past values of white noise distributions. It is more accurate.
ARMA(p,q) model

