How to install Python & PyCharm (IDE) in Windows?

Venkatesh Vanjaku
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2020

Install Python & PyCharm in Windows without getting lost in the Sea, I really meant it. I documented each and every step with screenshot and details.

Credits: Venkatesh Vanjaku

Thank you for listening to me! In the following process based on the internet connection, firewall, browser some steps may not be required to be followed. In that case, I suggest you to skip and proceed with the applicable step using screenshots.

Step by step procedure to install python along with an IDE in Windows computer.

Step 1: Open python downloads page and download the latest version.

Python Downloads Page

Step 2: If you got an error like “This type of file can harm your computer. Do you want to keep python…….exe anyway?”, please tap on Keep. Otherwise, it won’t download the python file because the browser suspects the file contains malicious code. This error might only be applicable to Google Chrome Users.

Python Downloads — Google Chrome Possible Error

Step 3: Double-tap or run the downloaded python file (usually the downloaded file will be in the downloads folder)

Step 4: You may receive a prompt to run the python application as shown in the below screenshot. Click on Run.

Application Prompt

Step 5: You will receive one prompt from the application to choose the installation type. Check the box for “Add Python 3.8 to PATH” and then tap on Install Now.

Python Installation Prompt

Step 6: You will receive one more prompt from UAC (User Account Control). Here you can see the publisher of this application as Python Software Foundation (PSF) which is a genuine one. So click on Yes.

UAC Prompt

Step 7: You may see an installation screen like in the image below. Let the installation complete. You can take a short break if you wish :)

Python Installation Screen

Step 8: You may receive a message “Setup was successful” which means python successfully installed in your system. Just click on Close.

Installation Success

Step 9: Now, just to verify whether python was installed successfully or not, Open command prompt in your computer (Press Windows Key, then enter cmd, Click on Command Prompt. You will see a screen called Command Prompt with a black background as shown in Image B)

Image A: Opening command prompt
Image B: CommandPrompt

Step 10: Enter command python in the command prompt, it will show you “Python 3.8.1 (tags/v3.8.1:1b293b6, Dec 18 2019, 22:39:24) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
>>>” This means, python successfully installed and running in your computer.

Python in Command Prompt

Step 11: They are multiple IDE (Integrated Development Environment) applications available in the market, however, I recommend you to install #PyCharm. You can install PyCharm IDE either the community edition or educational edition (tutorials available).

Click here to open PyCharm Downloads Page

PyCharm Downloads Page

Step 12: You will be re-directed to a Thank you page of JetBrains as shown in the below image and the download will automatically start and it may show a prompt for confirmation. If the download is not automatically started, tap on the “Direct link” (highlighted with the yellow pen), then tap on Save File in the Prompt.

Download Confirmation

Step 13: Open downloads folder, double click on the PyCharm community edition application / right-click and then tap on open.

Installing PyCharm Community Edition

Step 14: Again you will receive a prompt from User Account Control (UAC) to run the application, you can see the publisher's name as “JetBrains s.r.o”. Click on Yes.

UAC Prompt

Step 15: You will saw an application wizard, like in the below image, tap on Next.

Application Wizard — PyCharm

Step 16: Don’t change any configuration, just click on Next.

Application Installing Wizard.

Step 17: You will be asked to choose some options like in the following image, I suggest you to enable (check) 64-bit launcher (to add a shortcut on desktop), and .py associations.

Installation Wizard

Step 18: You will be asked for a Start Menu Folder to keep the shortcuts, you can just click on Install.

Start Menu Folder

Step 19: The actual installation will begin. Feel free to take one more break and then follow the remaining steps.


Step 20: You may receive a Completion Message as follows. You can check “Run PyCharm Community Edition” or un-check it, so that you can open whenever you want.

Installation Completed

Bonus Step: Go to Desktop, double click on PyCharm Community Edition or right click and tap on Open.

Opening PyCharm (IDE)

Bonus Step: Select Do not import settings and then click on OK

Settings Configuration

Bonus Step: You will have a prompt to accept PyCharm User Agreement and Privacy Policy as shown in the below image. Select (Check) “I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of this User Agreement.” Then click on Continue.

Acceptance of Agreement

Bonus Step: You will see a Data Sharing Prompt which will ask whether you want to send Usage statistics to JetBrains for the application development and user experience. If you don’t about them, I suggest you to click on Don’t send.

Data Sharing Prompt

Bonus Step: You will receive a prompt to select the theme. You can select the Darcula (Dark) or Light (White) theme based on your preference. My pick would be definitely Darcula :)

Theme prompt

Bonus Step: You will receive a prompt to install featured plugins, which are not required for beginners. Click on Start using PyCharm.

Featured Plugins Prompt

Bonus Step: Awesome!! you have entered into PyCharm Panel. Now tap on Create new Project.

Python Panel

Bonus Step: Configuration of new project. Enter the project name. As we have already installed python, the remaining settings will be configured by default. After giving a new project name instead of Untitled, click on Create.

Creating a Project

Bonus Step: It may take some time to load everything and arrange the IDE for you. After clicking Create, it will show some tips, if you want you can use them if not you have to uncheck “Show tips on startup” and then you have to close that popup.

PyCharm Tips

Congratulations! you have successfully installed the latest python version along with PyCharm as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Start learning python, and all the best for your career. I personally recommend you to practice python using the documentation given by python. Click here to see the documentation.

If you are not interested in Documentation and would like to start directly, I recommend you to go through with this blog post, practice and be a PyChamp :)

If you feel this is helpful and good for absolute beginners, please clap and share this article with your friends.



Venkatesh Vanjaku
Analytics Vidhya

Security Consultant. Jack of all trades, I like to dabble in everything and anything. Engineering, Investing, having Fun, and being Frustrated.