Machine Learning Made Simple: 3 Steps to Get You Started.

Sanchita Biswas
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2024

Understand the best ways to tackle machine learning tasks and achieve success at every level.

It is no secret that machine learning (ML) has become very popular in recent years. Machine-learning algorithms empower computers to make predictions and decisions without being explicitly programmed. For beginners, this field can seem overwhelming. However, understanding its fundamentals can give you a strong foundation.

In this article, I’ll break down the entire machine-learning workflow into three major stages. This will assist you in becoming an empowered data scientist.

Step 1: Data Preparation

Data preparation is the most essential step in any machine-learning project. It involves collecting, cleaning, and organizing data to make it suitable for model training.

For example, imagine you want to predict customer churn, a phenomenon where customers stop using a company’s product or service.

For this project, you need typical data that might include customer demographics, transaction history, customer service interactions, and subscription details. For data preparation of this project, first, you need to gather data from various sources, such as

  • Databases
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems

You can also find similar data in public repositories or from companies that provide customer data, such as

  • Kaggle
  • UCI Machine Learning Repository
  • Government open data portals
  • APIs provided by companies or organizations
  • Web scraping (Make sure to comply with legal and ethical guidelines when web scraping.)

Next, data cleaning. It involves handling missing values, correcting errors, and removing duplicates. After that, convert your data into a suitable format for analysis, using methods like

  • Normalization
  • Encoding categorical variables and
  • Feature engineering.

And then combine data from different sources to create a single dataset. This dataset will help your predictive model make more accurate predictions.

Step 2. Model Training

Model training is the process of using historical data to teach a machine learning algorithm to recognize patterns and relationships in the data. So the model can generate accurate predictions. Let’s say you have data about your customers, like their age, spending habits, etc.

First, you select an algorithm — a set of rules and calculations. Next, you feed your data into it. Then the algorithm will use the data to predict when a customer is most likely to leave. This training process allows the model to make more accurate predictions.

There are 4 types of machine learning algorithms.

  1. Supervised learning, you can use it for identifying spam emails.
  2. Unsupervised learning helps you find patterns and group customers with similar behaviors.
  3. Semi-supervised learning is used to enhance facial recognition software
  4. Reinforcement learning can teach a robot to navigate a maze.

To work with these algorithms, Python offers several essential libraries, such as

  • NumPy: Essential for numerical calculations and array management.
  • Pandas: for data manipulation and analysis
  • Matplotlib: Generates simple plots and graphs.
  • Seaborn: Uses Matplotlib to create visually appealing statistical graphs.
  • Plotly: Creates interactive plots, ideal for dashboards and web visualizations.

Step 3: Evaluation & Deployment

Model evaluation is an essential stage in the machine-learning process. It entails testing a model’s performance on previously unseen data. This helps you understand how your model will perform when faced with new, unseen data.

To measure your model’s performance, we need to look at various evaluation metrics, like

  • Accuracy is the number of times you guessed correctly out of all your attempts.
  • Precision is the number of correct guesses divided by the total number of guesses made.
  • Recall (Sensitivity) is the ratio of correct guesses to the total number of correct outcomes.
  • The F1 Score is a unique score that considers precision and recall to provide a comprehensive picture of a model’s guessing abilities.
  • Cross-validation is a method of determining how well a model can generalize to new data.

These metrics indicate how effective the model is at making correct predictions. Sometimes the results do not meet your expectations. But that’s okay! This is where fine-tuning comes in. You may need to make some additional adjustments to the model. It could mean adjusting parameters or experimenting with different algorithms.

Finally, model deployment is the process of deploying a trained machine-learning model into a production environment. This step integrates the model into an application. As a result, the model can forecast new data in real-time or in batches.

Wrapping up

Understanding the three major components of machine learning — data preparation, model training, and evaluation and deployment — provides a solid foundation for exploring this exciting field. Remember that consistent practice and hands-on experience are essential for mastering machine learning. If you are curious and persistent, start with small projects. Take advantage of the numerous online resources available, such as AnalyticSoul. And do not be afraid to experiment. You will quickly become an expert in machine learning.

