Top 5 Reasons Why Python is Perfect for Machine Learning Newbies.

Discover why Python dominates machine learning. And why should be your first choice when embarking on a machine-learning journey

Sanchita Biswas
4 min readJun 29, 2024


If you’re a junior IT professional or a student wanting to get into machine learning (ML), you might be wondering which programming language to start with. In today’s data-driven world, ML is very important. It helps with things like predicting trends and recognizing images. To get started, you need the right skills and tools. That’s where Python comes in.

Python is more than just another programming language. It’s your key to building a strong portfolio and filling any skill gaps you have. Whether you’re new to coding or already know a bit, Python has everything you need to succeed in the industry. Let’s look at why Python is the best choice for starting your machine learning journey.

1. Python’s Simplicity and Readability

Python is known for its clear and easy-to-read syntax. It looks like simple English, which helps beginners learn programming without getting confused. Compare this to R, which can puzzle beginners with its unique style, or Java, known for its wordy code.

Consider this straightforward Python example:

The code is simple and uses built-in functions like sum() and len().

2. Best Python Libraries for Machine Learning

Python offers many helpful libraries. These are pre-made tools that make ML tasks easier. Some key ones are:

  • NumPy: An essential tool for numerical computing, supporting large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices.
  • Pandas: Ideal for data manipulation and analysis, providing data structures and operations to handle structured data.
  • Scikit-learn: A popular choice for traditional machine learning algorithms, offering tools for data mining and analysis.
  • TensorFlow and PyTorch: Leading deep learning frameworks that allow you to build and train complex neural networks.

These tools let you do complex ML with just a few lines of code.

3. Large and Supportive Community

Python’s popularity in machine learning has created a large and active community. This is very helpful for beginners. You can find help and project ideas on platforms like:

  • GitHub: A hub for open-source projects and collaborations. You can find many machine learning projects to learn from. You can also contribute to or adapt these projects to meet your needs.
  • Kaggle: Known for its machine learning competitions and extensive datasets. It offers a practical way to apply your skills. You can learn from the community through shared notebooks and discussions.
  • Stack Overflow: A popular platform for problem-solving and discussions. It has a section dedicated to Python and machine learning. You can find solutions or ask for assistance there.

Plus, there are countless Python ML meetups, forums, and conferences where you can connect with fellow learners and experts.

4. Versatility and Integration

Python is very versatile and can handle all stages of the machine-learning process:

  • Data Collection and Preprocessing: Libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy help in data scraping. Pandas and NumPy assist with data cleaning and manipulation.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization: Tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly help explore data and create visualizations.
  • Model Building and Training: Frameworks such as Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch support the creation and training of ML models.
  • Model Evaluation and Deployment: Python has tools to evaluate models, like Scikit-learn’s metrics. You can deploy models using Flask, Django, or services like TensorFlow Serving.

Python also integrates well with big data tools (e.g., PySpark) and cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud).

5. Industry Demand and Future Prospects

Python is in high demand in the ML and data science fields. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon use Python extensively for their machine-learning projects. Many startups also prefer Python for its quick development capabilities. Python is used in finance, healthcare, and many other industries.

By mastering Python for machine learning, you’re setting yourself up for exciting career opportunities.

Wrapping Up

Python’s simplicity, powerful libraries, supportive community, versatility, and strong industry demand make it the best choice for ML beginners. Starting with Python will help you succeed in this exciting field.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step — or in this case, a single line of Python code. Happy learning!

