Joined Teach for India (as a YPA)

Sanjay Joshi
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2011

The one social cause that has always been close to my heart is — education. I truly believe that a good education is the one instrument that can bridge the inequity that divides India. In a later post, I hope to share more statistical data around this idea.

I recently decided to commit my time to education at some point of my life. This decision came at an opportune moment — I got connected to some wonderful people at the Teach for India initiative. Teach for India is a new movement, which aims to remove educational inequity by bringing bright, young Indians to deliver education in underprivileged communities.

For now, I have joined TFI as a TFI Young Professional Ambassador (YPA), wherein my responsibility is to be a bridge between TFI and the industry. Excited to be a part of this Initiative.




Sanjay Joshi

Product guy. I love tech, dogs, comedy and arts. Seeking wisdom and wheat ale, wherever I may roam.