Redoing old things, and doing new things

Sanjay Joshi
Published in
1 min readNov 19, 2015

The last two months, I’ve been redoing some things I’ve done before. All these things I’m doing are thought out, and stuff that’s beneficial for me.

I have learned a few important things in the process :

- past success in an activity does NOT guarantee you will succeed at it again. Not true for hobbies and habits — everyone can ride a cycle after decades of not doing it after a few attempts. But in stuff where let’s say you compete, any outcome is possible. Remembering this helps keep one humble and pushes one to do the homework

- learn to accept failure and rejection. If we succeeded at everything, would success hold any value? Success is not an entitlement.. It’s a pursuit. Some simple things to do are :

*first, accept that you have failed. That you tried, and it still didn’t happen

*tell yourself what you’ll do different the next time

*write that in a personal electronic journal, and tag it as “failure”

*you can search for it next time you are about to attempt something new, or after a long time.

Keep chin up, keep waking.



Sanjay Joshi

Product guy. I love tech, dogs, comedy and arts. Seeking wisdom and wheat ale, wherever I may roam.