DRV includes Caspar Health’s digital aftercare in standard insurance cover after study proves effectiveness of Caspar therapy

All clinics in Germany can now offer their patients Caspar’s effective digital therapy without much bureaucracy. According to a DRV study, Caspar’s digital aftercare is equivalent to traditional aftercare. Patient satisfaction is even higher with Caspar.

Ananda Impact Ventures
Ananda Impact Ventures
3 min readMar 29, 2021


Berlin-based Caspar Health is digitising rehabilitation for medical institutions. The start-up provides doctors and therapists with a digital therapy platform to create customised, interdisciplinary Caspar therapy plans and track the recovery progress and development regardless of time and place. The Caspar app enables doctors and therapists to monitor the recovery process, communicate directly with the patient and empower patients to continuously self-exercise.

A scientific study by the Deutsche Rentenversicherung DRV (statutory insurance in Germany) concludes that Caspar’s digital aftercare is equivalent to traditional aftercare in terms of outcome and quality. In fact, patient satisfaction is even higher with Caspar!

The study was conducted by the Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine Research at the University of Ulm. The aim of the study was to compare Caspar’s digital aftercare with the regular, stationary aftercare form IRENA (intensified rehabilitation aftercare). More than 800 patients at 35 clinics throughout Germany took part in the study and were surveyed after completing their therapy. Half of the patients used Caspar’s therapy.

The quality criteria examined in the study included factors such as work ability, physical functioning and psychological well-being. The results are very encouraging. Overall, Caspar’s digital aftercare delivers the same good outcome as IRENA. Consequently, the study concludes that Caspar’s digital therapy is equivalent to IRENA.

However, Caspar digital aftercare also offers some advantages over IRENA. On the one hand, patients who use Caspar’s digital aftercare were more satisfied with the course of the therapy and the result than IRENA patients (subjective satisfaction). On the other hand, digital aftercare convinces through better accessibility. Patients can use Caspar regardless of their working hours, place of residence or other restrictions such as the current Covid-19-pandemic.

Due to the encouraging study results, the DRV has recognised Caspar’s digital aftercare and included it in the standard insurance cover. Until December 31st 2021, all clinics in Germany can offer Caspar’s aftercare as part of their standard services. Prior to the recognition by the DRV, clinics had to submit an application, create a concept and wait for individual approval by the DRV. Now more patients can benefit from Caspar’s innovative therapy without long waiting times.

The inclusion in the standard insurance cover by the DRV is an important milestone for the successful development of Caspar, as one founders, Max Michels, says:

We are very proud of the DRV’s recognition of our digital aftercare therapy. We have been working towards this confirmation that our digital aftercare is accepted and embraced for a long time.”

Ananda Impact Ventures congratulates the Caspar team for this great success!

Caspar Press Release on the DRV recognition: https://bit.ly/3cj9JxF

Caspar Press Release on DRV study: https://bit.ly/3fef6QU

Link to the DRV study: https://bit.ly/3lQclGt



Ananda Impact Ventures
Ananda Impact Ventures

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