ADHD Heart Is the Best Decision Maker: How I Always Know What I Want (In Comics)

Ana Krajinovic
Ana’s stories


And I want it now. On repeat, please!

Created by the author.

I have always seen the world very black and white: I either love something or I hate it! You can imagine my surprise when I heard other people saying things like “I’m ok with this, but I don’t really know what I want anyway”. This made me realize that my ability to always know what I want is not typical. Only years later I found out why. I have an ADHD heart.

What is an ADHD heart, you might ask? “ADHD heart” is what I call a decision-making process entirely based on following what feels right. And also, because I have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). The following comic illustrates what I mean.

❤How I always know what I want

Created by the author.
Created by the author.

Having ADHD means seeking extra stimulation in everything to power our dopamine-hungry brains. This leads to two possibilities. We either find it, in…



Ana Krajinovic
Ana’s stories

A linguist and comic researcher, PhD, and comic creator writing about mental health, languages, creativity, and life stuff (also on