Living With Adult ADHD: Explained In Comics

Ana Krajinovic
Ana’s stories


Chasing a life where everything is exciting and nothing is boring

Created by the author.

If I had to summarize my ADHD experience in one sentence it would be this: Chasing a life where everything you do is exciting and avoiding everything that could be even slightly boring. October is ADHD awareness month and I think it’s time I tell you how ADHD affects my everyday life — in comics (because who has the patience to read a text without pictures).

ADHD stands for “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”. It is usually associated with hyperactive children but in reality, ADHD affects all ages and it doesn’t have to make you visibly hyperactive at all. You see, your brain can be “hyperactive” in that it makes it hard for you to decide where to direct your attention. Since this makes ADHDers easily distractible, we crave highly stimulating activities that can keep our attention.

Most of the time, these highly stimulating activities are not physical, like I’m not talking extreme sports or adrenaline rush. Most neurodivergent people (aka Autism spectrum + ADHD folks + other neurodevelopmental conditions) will consider very specific activities personally stimulating to them. For example, I find writing this article very stimulating at this moment. But if it goes on for too long, I might get bored…



Ana Krajinovic
Ana’s stories

A linguist and comic researcher, PhD, and comic creator writing about mental health, languages, creativity, and life stuff (also on