Will I Fail A Drug Test If I Take CBD Oil?

Christian Novicki
Anavii Market
Published in
4 min readFeb 4, 2019

“Will I fail a drug test if I take CBD Oil?” is a common question we hear before our customers make a purchase at Anavii Market. Given that many jobs and sports teams perform drug tests, this is an important question to ask and we want to make sure you have all the details.

Here is all you need to know about using CBD oil and drug testing.


THC metabolites are what drug tests are looking for. THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD oil contains THC but to varying degrees depending on the kind of CBD oil you use.

We only sell hemp-derived CBD, which contains at most 0.3% of THC. Marijuana, on the other hand, is bred to have high THC levels, which gets you high.

All CBD from Anavii Market is hemp-derived. Straight from the farm to your hands.

Hemp-Derived CBD Is A Legal Product…

As of December 2018, hemp is federally legal. This means that any hemp-derived CBD product is legal. Within each hemp-derived CBD product, THC levels are required to be less than 0.3% overall composition. This is the level that is required by the DEA, and qualifies as legal for use.

Hemp naturally has a low amount of THC, which means that any hemp-derived CBD oil product you buy will fall into this required amount. To ensure this for our customers at Anavii Market, we test…

…But You May Fail A Drug Test If You Take CBD Oil (Even If It’s Hemp-Derived)

The federal government now states very clearly what CBD oil is, and the rules that need to be followed in order to be considered a legal product. This new federal law technically legalized the use of THC concentrations below 0.3%; however, this has not yet led to updates for drug testing standards and, unfortunately, it has lead to some negative consequences.

For example, in October of 2018, an Atlanta woman shared her story with Forbes.com. She had applied for a job and was administered a drug test. Though she had never used marijuana before in her life, she tested positive for residual THC in her bloodstream. Unfortunately this was due to use of a CBD oil product.

Bottom line:
Will I fail a drug test if I take CBD Oil?

Unfortunately, it is possible to fail a drug test if you take CBD.

There Is One Exception!

Manufacturers may create CBD products that only contain one specific cannabinoid: CBD isolate. This is an isolated form of CBD, which may benefit someone who is looking to avoid failing a drug test. An isolated CBD pro duct is considered 99.4% pure CBD and may not contain THC; however, we cannot guarantee that the remaining 0.6% of the product does not contain THC without analyzing the laboratory tests, so we would recommend asking for the lab tests!

Keep in mind, a CBD isolate may not be as effective as a full spectrum product due to the entourage effect created between the cannabinoid profile and terpenes. As research continues and more product development takes place, 0% THC products have entered the market; however, again, there is no guarantee that these products allow someone to pass a drug test without independent studies conducted.

Legislation for drug testing and CBD oil is changing

Kentucky is one of the first states to push the legislation forward in terms of reforming drug testing regulations. In January 2019, Kentucky legislators filed to create bill SB 83, which seeks to protect employees within an organization that are using hemp-based products. This bill would allow residual THC amounts in the bloodstream, with proof of purchase of a hemp-derived product like CBD Oil. Kentucky local news station WKYT in Lexington, KY covered the whole story here.

Will I Fail A Drug Test If I Take CBD Oil?

Choosing CBD Isolate is the best way to utilize the health benefits of CBD without the risks of failing a drug test. However, we have hopes that states will begin to change legislation to allow for more CBD products to be used.

  • Drug tests specifically look for THC Metabolites, not CBD.
  • All hemp-derived CBD contains less than 0.3% THC.
  • It is possible to fail a drug test while using Full Spectrum CBD Oil, because of residual amounts of THC metabolites.
  • In the future, we will see changes made to drug testing methods and state legislation in order to allow for individuals to use CBD without being penalized.

The Importance of Buying Verified CBD Oil

At Anavii Market, we prioritize your safety and your health as number one. That is why on each product we sell you will find a breakdown of the composition, including THC levels. All of our products are under 0.3% THC, but we still require laboratory testing and verification from each of the hemp companies we retail. This is to ensure you of the quality of each CBD oil you purchase.

At Anavii Market, we require batch testing for every single product, making sure you get exactly what’s promised on the label.

| Now that you’ve read Will I Fail A Drug Test If I Take CBD Oil?
You are ready to shop our curated hemp-derived CBD oil. |

Shop Our Verified, Hemp-Derived CBD Oil Now.

Originally published at www.anaviimarket.com.



Christian Novicki
Anavii Market

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