RCS and #MWC19. Why telco A2P messaging offering must go beyond messaging. Coining “M&TaaP”.

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3 min readFeb 26, 2019

This year Anbotux is not attending #MWC19, our product is not specifically for telcos but all the intensive in digital customer-service verticals: banking, insurance, airlines, utilities, e-commerce and of course telcos and we prioritized other events within our limited budget at this stage.

On the other hand we do not see telcos only as a customer using our product to enrich with omnichannel analytics providing extra insights for their own customer service and transform them into AI based digital empathy and personalization, we do see telcos as a powerful partner by adding Anbotux to their RCS MaaP offering and it was the reason to join the Mavenir RCS Ecosystem and be opened to partner with other RCS technology vendors.

Today’s messaging is self-commoditized. There are many very good alternatives with nice API exposures to create A2P aka B2C aka Chatbot comms and offered well free, well with reasonable price levels as recently launched Whatsapp for Business.

Telcos are not anymore the incumbents in the 21st Century, the only way to compete is being better, offering added value on top of messaging, beyond messaging, helping customers to build better and more engaging conversational B2C experiences using RCS.

Today telcos can not beat OTT messaging apps by exposing with APIs RCS with nice technology by Google Jibe, Mavenir, Samsung and others, that only makes feasible to use RCS as many other messaging apps. The only way to convince and engage big brands in many verticas to use telco messaging as their preferred is adding value beyond messaging.

A mindset evolution is needed, from RCS MaaP to a RCS M&TaaP, meaning “Messaging and Tools as a a Platform”. Telcos need to become “service provider” and provide not only a plain messaging API but all the pieces to build and take the most of conversational chatbots: NLP, chatbot visual creation platforms, sentiment analysis and also what we do…customer-centric context aware analytics & AI based digital empathy and personalization rules.

Following #MWC19 at social media channels we noticed there is a positive feeling and heard the several times already listened “this is the year of RCS”, but now it’s time to move from words to deeds, and do it quickly and truly, committing investment and being ambitious by completing the vision.

Being ambitious would mean to believe in the potential of RCS as B2C channel and apply quickly to the own telco case as intensive in customer-service industry, enrich your own case with powerful tools, demonstrate first person how it works and package RCS exposure and selected tools to create and prescript your own M&TaaP offering using your telco enterprise unit.

We, at Anbotux, know how to help, part of the team created the 1st RCS API exposure and now our product Anbotux is pioneering the other side, the added value “Tools” to enrich and make better the messaging experience with data/analytics and not-language related AI.

As soon telcos will be ready with RCS live service Anbotux will be there working hand by hand to make RCS the preferred channel for conversational customer service!!!

the Anbotux team :-)

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