Demo+Pitch challenges (Week 10)

Anchi Hsin
Anchi Design Story
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2018

Our team met to work on demo and pitch during the thanksgiving break. We had been working in this project for so long that we had done so many things but didn’t know which were the most important ones. Adding content was simple, but cutting it down was hard. It was difficult to summarize everything in 5 minutes. We then decided to use Airbnb’s deck as a reference to build our pitch. For our demo videos, we first thought of many ways to present our ideas but later realized that we were just complicating things. So we eventually agreed to just use first person perspective for the whole video to emphasize our target auidence’s pain points.

Also, even though I felt nice working in the break because we finally have sufficient time to meet without rushing, having lack of time pressure also slow me down. During work days, I hope I can have more time to get stuff done. But when I am in vacation, I am just too tired to do anything. I guess my challenge is to know how to flexibly switch between work mode and life mode to maintain a healthy life. However, studying in CCA sometimes makes me forget that. I hope I can explore new things in my free time so I can expand my life experience and also get more inspiration for my work.

After the break, everything suddenly feel like is about to end. Because this is my first time to work with a semester-long project, I really feel that it’s so long that I want to wind it up soon. However, the challenge is that how to end in a good way that actually reflects our efforts. Before presenting our rough demo and pitch on Friday, I felt very uncertain. When I was shooting and editing for our demo, I wasn’t very confident on it because it felt too simple to me. For the pitch, I wasn’t sure about what to include in that key 5 minutes. However, luckily, it turned out that the simple style of our demo somehow reflects our ideas well and the overall structure of our pitch also works. I think the real challenge we still need to work on is to communicate with teammates even more to make sure everyone is very clear about everything. So then we can predict questions that people will ask and build appendix to answer them.



Anchi Hsin
Anchi Design Story

A designer who aims to inspire empathy and create social impact through interactive experience. |