Get discovered with Spotify’s new podcast charts

Featuring reliable rankings that showcase a wide variety of podcasts, Spotify’s revamped podcast charts create even more opportunities for listeners to find your show



Today Spotify is launching new podcast charts that offer listeners a reliable destination for finding the most popular shows and trends. The charts highlight more podcasts than ever before and surface shows across a broad range of categories and countries, making it even easier for established and emerging creators to get discovered by new audiences.

Because Anchor is part of the Spotify family, we wanted to introduce the new charts and how they can help you grow your show. By showcasing a wider variety of podcasts through rankings that are designed to reward quality and reduce manipulation, the charts provide more opportunities for all podcasters to reach their next biggest fan.

Explore the new charts:

Top Podcasts looks at the overall most popular podcasts. This chart takes into account overall recent audience size, providing an accurate picture of the most-listened-to shows.

Trending Podcasts looks at timely patterns in popularity to identify the latest listening trends and up-and-coming podcasts. This chart takes into account climbs in audience size to capture buzzworthy moments.

To help listeners easily discover the shows they’ll love, Top Podcasts and Trending Podcasts are both available by country, allowing listeners around the world to find the best content from their region and beyond, giving locally-loved podcasts an even wider reach.

Podcasts in select locations will be surfaced across a broad range of categories, so listeners can find shows according to the topics that matter most to them. Category charts can likewise be sorted by country, creating more options for discovery and more opportunities for your show to be surfaced to the right listeners.

Using proprietary ranking algorithms that measure overall audience size and trends over time, the charts provide a comprehensive, dependable look at the podcast landscape. Spotify’s rankings are designed to reduce fraud and reward quality content, so podcasters can spend less time begging for reviews and more time creating, without worrying about bad actors gaming the system.

The charts are a step forward for an industry that puts podcasters first, creatively and financially. Better discovery allows for more monetizable impressions and easier pitches to prospective advertisers, so you can expand your income as well as your reach. By surfacing a variety of shows across a range of countries and categories, Spotify aims to make it easier for all podcasters to earn money from their work.

Tips to hit the charts

To give your podcast the best shot at climbing the new Spotify charts, here are a few tips:

  1. Continue promoting your new episodes across channels, whether it’s social media or cross-promotion with other podcasters.
  2. Keep a close eye on your Anchor analytics, which includes episode retention and demographic stats from your Spotify listeners, to measure how your podcast is engaging with listeners and make adjustments as necessary to optimize your content and promotional tactics.
  3. Make sure your podcast is listed under the correct Category so listeners who are interested in your show’s topic can easily discover you when they browse the charts.
  4. Remember that the more people who hear your podcast on Spotify, the better chance you have of charting. So, remember to mention Spotify as a place to listen and link to Spotify when promoting your show.

Open up the Spotify app to check out the new charts! And head over to your Anchor analytics to track your performance and grow your show.

