How I Podcast: In conversation with Adam Saleh and Slim Albaher

We’re talking with podcasters from all walks of life about their creative process, best practices, and why audio is one of the coolest ways to tell a story.



Adam Saleh and Slim Albaher have many titles. Over the past ten years, they’ve dabbled as video producers, music recorders, merch designers, professional boxers — and now, as co-hosts of weekly interview series Socially Profiled, they can add “podcaster” to their resumes. All of these endeavors inform Adam and Slim’s conversations on Socially Profiled, but their deepest well of podcasting material comes straight from their unfiltered selves: two Yemeni-American best friends, born and raised in New York, sharing whatever’s on their mind.

Each week on Socially Profiled, Adam and Slim interview special guests ranging from rappers and athletes to friends and family members. Their conversations provide commentary on pop culture, the latest content trends, and Adam and Slim’s experiences growing up as Muslims in America. In this way, Socially Profiled goes to show that great podcasts can be made out of the most immediate material. Your friends, your upbringing, and your gut reactions to the world are all great starting points for your next podcast episode. As long as the topic grabs your interests in an authentic way, people are bound to listen.

We talked to Adam and Slim about their podcasting process and what they’ve learned along the way.

Slim Albaher

What motivated you to start a podcast?

A lot of our collaborators have started podcasts and seen success. We were looking for a new platform to try something new and give our fans a new type of content. Everything came together and we developed something we were proud of.

What’s your show’s format and how did you decide on it?

Our podcast is an hour-long, once-per-week format. It just felt like the right length and consistency to start. If the fans want more episodes we might bump it up to twice a week. But consistency and quality is so important that we wanted to make sure we got it right the first time.

Adam Saleh

What’s your recording setup?

Since quarantine we’ve had to take the DIY approach. We are currently using a Yeti mic, headphones and our laptop to record.

How do you promote your podcast?

We promote our podcast through our social media platforms — YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. We upload video clips to our YouTube channel to tease the audience and drive them to listen to the full episode on their favorite podcast platform. We recently launched a podcast Instagram account to house all our podcast content in one place.

What’s your favorite Anchor feature?

The Voice Messages feature is an easy way to incorporate fan questions and shoutouts directly into the episode. We love it!

What’s one thing you wish you knew about podcasting before you started?

One thing we wish we knew about podcasting was how simple it is to create a podcast. We always thought it would be way more difficult but using Anchor really makes everything simple. Creating a podcast is easy — but making it special is tough.

What’s your favorite thing about your podcast?

My favorite thing about our podcast is that it’s a platform for us to be our authentic, unfiltered selves.

What’s your best podcasting advice?

Our best podcast advice is simple: stay consistent and be yourself. Talk about things that grab your interests.

How do you podcast? Let us know on Twitter and Instagram. If you’re looking for more tips, check out the previous edition of How I Podcast, and if you want to start your own, try making something awesome with Anchor.

