How I Podcast: In conversation with Ekua Musumba

We’re talking with podcasters from all walks of life about their creative process, best practices, and why audio is one of the coolest ways to tell a story.



There’s power in having your own reality drive your podcast’s narrative, as Ekua, the host of Afrolit, demonstrates in her show. Her experience growing up in Africa but living in London, Geneva, and New York is the beating heart behind her episodes — it’s what drives her to connect to every topic and guest that encounters her podcast.

Ekua’s been recording her podcast for almost 3 years, publishing over 70 episodes. The first two years of her show look inward through personal discussions with her former co-host about dating, social media, health, activism, and more. But after her co-host amicably departed from the show after the 54th episode, Ekua was faced with the decision to continue or call it a wrap. Instead of halting production, she decided to turn the show outward — engaging her community of artists, journalists, chefs, musicians, and actors with African roots living all over the world and talking with them about their life experiences. A setback in her podcast’s usual flow allowed for her format to transform, and ultimately mature, inspire, and become so much greater than herself.

Through answering listener questions, keeping up an active presence on social media, and hosting a live show in Africa, Ekua has built her brand as a culture-driver and community-builder. She teaches us that our innate experiences are the most valuable starting points for conversation, and we talked more with her to hear how she podcasts.

What motivated you to start podcasting?

At the time, I was listening to hilarious podcasts from the UK, but my friends and I wanted to make something that we could relate to. So we created a podcast that highlights our stories and unique African experiences — being from various countries within the continent but also experiencing life in western cities, such as London, Geneva and New York.

What’s your show’s format?

Our show started out as an open-format chat-cast, but now it’s typically me as the host and a guest of my choice.

How do you promote your podcast?

Oh I use everything — Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and the good old word of mouth! Never underestimate how far each one can take the episodes. I also just recently joined the Reddit bandwagon and I’m excited to see where that takes Afrolit too.

What’s your favorite Anchor feature to use?

I love that Anchor hosts your podcast for free. It’s so easy to add in all of your necessary audio and then boom! Your episode is distributed to all platforms — it’s so simple.

What’s your favorite thing about your podcast?

It’s hard to choose one thing, but honestly all of my guests make it special. They inspire me so much and since we are all growing within our careers and lives, it’s great to stop and chat with them to appreciate all the accomplishments they have received thus far.

What’s your best podcasting advice?

Be consistent! I struggle with this at times too, but people really love knowing when you are going to release something new and it will keep them coming back because it’s a part of their routine.

How do you podcast? Let us know on Twitter and Instagram. If you’re looking for more tips, check out the previous edition of How I Podcast, and if you want to start your own, try making something awesome with Anchor.

