Listen to Anchor in your Twitter timeline with new Audio Cards



Earlier this year, we launched Anchor to democratize audio and empower people to have their voices heard by anyone, anywhere. Today we’re excited to add another new way to get your voice heard: Twitter audio cards. Starting right now, Anchor recordings (aka “waves”) can be heard seamlessly on Twitter, enabling people to reach Twitter’s millions of users across the globe through the power of voice.

Even better, the new integration is compatible with Moments, so you’ll also be able to listen to relevant waves alongside Twitter’s best tweets, photos, and videos while you’re browsing a Moment.

Publishing waves to Twitter is simple

Just record a wave in Anchor and check the Twitter sharing option before publishing. Once published, your wave will instantly appear as an audio card in your Twitter timeline, and can be played by any of your followers with a single tap. You can also add other users’ waves to your Twitter timeline by tapping the share button in the upper right hand corner of any wave.

How to share waves to your Twitter timeline with new Audio Cards

Great waves are already being published to Twitter every day by people all around the world, but now it’ll be easier than ever for you to hear them.

Ready to start adding your voice to Tweets? Download Anchor from the App Store to get started.

