Meet The Rundown: an A.I.-powered station designed just for you.

Only available on the new Anchor



Yesterday, we unveiled version 2.0 of the Anchor platform, a whole new way to experience audio. Today we’re highlighting one of our favorite features on the new version: The Rundown.

If you haven’t tried it out yet, The Rundown is an A.I.-powered station in Anchor that delivers up-to-the-minute news and weather (only available on iOS so far, but coming soon to Android). Whenever it’s fresh, The Rundown is the first station you’ll hear in Anchor, making it a perfect way to start your day or commute.

Here are some things you’ll hear in The Rundown, served up in a fresh, bite-sized audio format:

  • A personalized welcome that specifically greets you by name. Yes, for real.
  • Today’s date, and any relevant holidays or fun facts that you might want to know about (Did you know that last Tuesday was Tooth Fairy day?)
  • Your local weather, powered by Dark Sky. For those of you who haven’t tried it, Dark Sky is a so-accurate-it’s-scary weather app that doubles as a weather API. A few of us on Team Anchor have been using it for years, and we’re obsessed.
  • Fresh news and audio clips, delivered multiple times daily. This means that if you use Anchor while commuting, we’ll always catch you up on what you missed overnight or while you were working.

We’ll keep adding even more relevant and personalized information to your Rundown over time. We’re excited to fuel your day with everything you need when you first pick up your phone in the morning. To try it out, log into Anchor 2.0 on iOS, and tap “The Rundown” station at the front of your dial.

Have you tried The Rundown or the new update to Anchor? Hit us up on Twitter, we’d love to hear what you want on your go-to morning station.

