Turn your virtual hangouts into a podcast with Anchor’s new video-to-audio conversion

Now Anchor makes it possible to turn your video files into podcast-ready audio — so the next time you have a great conversation over Zoom, Google Meet, Instagram Live, or your favorite video chat tool, you can share it as a podcast for everyone to hear.

4 min readApr 28, 2020


In a time when many of us are isolated, staying connected is more important than ever. Chatting with friends, keeping up with family, and bonding over common interests virtually can be a source of connection for listeners, too — especially when we’re all at a distance.

Starting today, Anchor’s tools make it possible to convert your video files into editable audio. So, as you’re keeping up your face-to-face connections through video chats and virtual hangouts, you can easily capture the conversation for everyone to hear by turning it into a podcast.

And if you already have a podcast, video uploading means more options and flexibility in your recording process. Whether you’re interviewing guests on Google Meet or livestreaming with your co-host over Instagram, now you can import, edit, and share your conversations — wherever they take place — all from the same platform. Recording on video also makes it easy to maintain the magic of in-person podcasting sessions, so when recording together in the same room isn’t an option, you can still rely on the body language and visual cues that keep your conversations flowing smoothly.

Here’s how it works:

Transforming your video chats into a podcast only takes a few clicks with Anchor.

Record using your favorite video chat or streaming tool and download the file if needed.

Then, just upload the video file to Anchor on web, and it will automatically convert to audio. Anchor supports .mp4 and .mov files and accommodates popular video chatting apps including Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, and Instagram Live.

Your converted audio file will show up immediately as a segment in your episode builder and in your library, so you can split it, trim it, and start adding edits right away.

Publish your recording as is, or make it your own by adding Anchor’s built-in background music, interludes, sound effects, and Voice Messages.

When you’re ready to share your podcast, Anchor makes it easy with free unlimited hosting and automatic distribution to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and everywhere your listeners might be.

How do I record my video chats?

Depending on your platform of choice, it’s generally pretty easy to record your conversations. Just make sure you have permission from all participants before you hit that record button. Here are instructions from different platforms on recording and or exporting video chats.

What about YouTube videos?

You cannot upload YouTube links directly to Anchor, but if you own the raw video file (.MP4 or .MOV) you can upload it and convert it to audio.

Here are some thought starters:

Extraordinary podcasts are born out of everyday conversations, and it’s these connections that mean the most during difficult times. Here are some ideas to get you thinking about the video chats you’re already having, and how you might share them with the world by turning them into a podcast.

  • You keep in touch with your grandma over Skype → You talk about her experiences growing up in the 50s and 60s → Flower Child
  • You watch your favorite reality TV show with friends over video chat → You share live reactions and commentary about each episode → Keeping Up With the Commentators
  • You use Instagram Live to hear about the latest skin care tips → You record your conversations with beauty bloggers about their morning routines → The Dewy Daily
  • You have a weekly Zoom meeting with your co-worker → You trade career tips and discuss the best and worst ads of the week → This Week in Marketing
  • You started reconnecting with childhood friends on Skype → You reminisce about pogs, slap bracelets, and old cartoons → 90’s Reasons Why
  • You catch up with your mom on Google Meet → You discuss your shared love for plants, and how it’s helping you cope with the current crisis → The Green Thumbs
  • You’ve been cooking a lot recently, and you use Google Meet to host a weekly virtual potluck with your friends → You share stories and recipes for inexperienced chefs → The Accidental Sous Chef

It’s likely that the perfect podcast idea is already part of your routine, and now you can stay connected through your usual video calls and create an amazing podcast, all in the same process.

Try recording your next virtual hangout, and upload the video file right to Anchor to start your new podcast.

