Caught in the Turkey Trap!

Donna Cowden
Anchored In Christ
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by J-Photos on Unsplash

The community where we live is full of wildlife. For an animal lover like myself, it is the essence of God’s creativity and artistry.

At any given time, you can see the gators crossing from pond to pond, hear the squirrels scampering across our roof, be alerted to deer at the front door, or watch our dogs chase bunnies, turkeys, and armadillos. Coyotes also come out at night, and an occasional bobcat lurks in the woods.

Once, when I attempted to back out of our driveway, a band of wild turkeys held me hostage. As I started to move the car, the turkeys got in my way, forcing me to stop.

I got out of the car and attempted to shoo them away (in a gentle manner, of course). They would flee, and I would get back in the car and start to move, and then the process would begin all over again.

I attempted to move the car, but the turkeys would not let me through. At one point, I looked over to the passenger side window to see the blue face of one of the turkeys pressed up against the glass.

My car was surrounded, and I was stuck.

Fortunately, it was trash day, and one of the trash people saw that I needed help. Also, their truck driver attempted to turn onto our street, but I prevented that from happening.



Donna Cowden
Anchored In Christ

Sharing the greatest love story in the history of the world: that of God with man and that of man with dog.