Is a Firm Foundation Necessary?

An important factor for consideration

Jenny Calvert
Anchored In Christ
3 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Agnieszka Stankiewicz on Unsplash

No one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11, CEB)

I fondly remember when I was a senior in high school going on a class trip. One of our stops would be New York City. My mouth dropped in awe when I first caught sight of the Empire State Building — you know, the one in the movie that King Kong scales. Compared to buildings of today, it is small. However, I am still impressed with its size.

It makes me think. How much foundation would it take to hold it up for years to come?

So, I did a Google search for the largest building foundation in the world. Google gave me a not-so-easy answer. Buildings are classified into three key categories: usable space, called volume; footprint on the ground, called area; and floor space, which is also called area.

Boeing’s factory in Everett, Washington, United States, is the largest building in the world by volume, and the Aalsmeer Flower Auction Building in Aalsmeer, Netherlands, is the largest in area footprint. The New Century Global Center in Chengdu, China, is the largest building in total floor area. The deepest foundation is the Petronas Towers of Malaysia.

The Burj Khalifa building in Dubai wins the prize for being the tallest building in the world. Its foundation comprises 192 bored piles measuring approximately 5 feet in diameter and 164 feet deep. This is one big foundation to support an extremely tall building that reaches 0.5 miles high.

There is one more foundation for consideration. It’s an unseen foundation spanning many generations, peoples, and places. It is the church. It is the greatest by far as it is built on the back of the Lord Jesus. His sacrifice, a profound act of love, paved the way for the construction of the true church.

As blood and water poured from His side, He gave birth to forgiveness, hope, redemption, and reconciliation. These are the bored piles that span the globe.

We were no longer aliens and strangers, but we were adopted children of God. As Christ arose from death to life, He laid the foundation for the church. We benefit the security of His steadfast love forever in His Kingdom.

The church has an enormous foundation to support the Christiandom of all ages. The omnipresent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent Father, Son, and Holy Spirit build its volume and area.

No one can ever lay any foundation for salvation other than the one already laid by Jesus.

Buildings as grand as the Burj Khalifa or the Boeing Factory may crumble and fall. Our bodies grow old, deteriorate, and die, but the firm foundation of Jesus Christ will live on for eternity.

Are you on a firm foundation? If not, get aboard an understructure that never moves, even in violent storms. It is a foundation that runs deep and whose height rises above all others — all the way to heaven.



Jenny Calvert
Anchored In Christ

Jenny is a Christian devotional writer. She writes for several magazines, books, and online venues, sharing the peace, hope, and light of Christ.