The Sovereignty Of God In The Midst of Multiplicity: How We Got The Bible

Ross Thompson
Anchored In Christ
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2024



Ideogram AI by the Author

I came across a book the other day entitled ‘The Other Bible.’ The author did not accept the sixty-six books of our Bible as the Canon of Scripture. He seemed to be saying we can choose other manuscripts and books as our inspired texts. Included in that were many of the Gnostic writings that challenged the Gospel. Another is entitled ‘The children who were changed into goats’. Another ‘The raising of Adam from the mud by Eve.’ Overall not the sort of thing you would want to base your salvation on. In contrast, 2 Timothy 3:16 says, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

The book did highlight the plethora of manuscripts and books floating around while the Canon of Scripture (Old and New Testaments) was being established. The book lists one hundred and six manuscripts or books. Another book I found, ‘Outside The Bible.’ had ninety, less outlandish, books (writings) of the Jewish and Christian world 200BC to 200 AD. All not in our Bible. In the establishment of the Canon, no shortage of possible texts was the order of the day.

How was Old Testament and New Testament Canon ( The Canon of Scripture includes only the inspired and revealed word of God Himself.) decided…



Ross Thompson
Anchored In Christ

I am a New Zealand Citizen. living in Melbourne, Australia. I am a longtime Christian. I write kid’s fiction, and have non fiction published on various topics.