Ancient Parliaments

Nazmi Tarım
Ancient History
Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2019

These ancient buildings are called as Bouleuterions in the ancient world, like today’s cabinets, council houses or parliaments. These buildings’re usually located nears agoras in the ancient cities, first examples of today’s parliaments, in which the administrative decisions about the city were taken and laws were regulated by ancient politicians, the places where foundations of contemporary democracies are laid.

I am sharing with you these building’s photos which are taken by me in these ancient cities.

1.Aphrodisias Ancient City

The city of goddess of beauty(Aphrodite), was an important center for sculpture production in the ancient times and now here is a member of UNESCO World Heritage List, today located in Karacasu District of Ayfın Province of Turkey. More about the city:


2.Aigai Ancient City

Aigai means goat in ancient Greek. Neighbour Pergamons invented parchment and this city might have supplied skin of goat for producing of parchment. Today located in Manisa Province of Turkey. More about the city:


3.Ephesus Ancient City

Ephesus is an UNESCO World Heritage Site, today located in Selçuk District of İzmir Province of Turkey, commercial and religious centre in the ancient world. The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was located in here and completed around 550 B.C. after at the end of 120 years of construction process, made entirely of marble, one of the most complex ones of the antiquity. The city is homeland of philosopher Heraclitus. More about the city:


4.Teos Ancient City

It is one of the Twelve Ionian Cities on the coast of Anatolia, today located in Seferihisar District of İzmir Province of Turkey. The city has one of the biggest Dionysus Temples of the ancient world. Apellicon, a wealthy Greek book collector who rescued Aristotle’s manuscripts, preserve the books in this city. More about the city:


5.Nysa Ancient City

Strabo of Amasia, geographer, source of ancient history and topography, was educated in the Nysa Ancient City on The Maeander. The City is today located in Sultanhisar District of Aydın Province of Turkey. More about the city:


6.Troy Ancient City

The place where the Trojan War, a popular story in the mythology, performed. Today located in Çanakkale Province of Turkey. More about the city:


7.Priene Ancient City

The City is one of the best examples of where Hippodamus grid system of architecture is implemented for the streets called planned urbanism. Today located in Söke District of Aydın Province of Turkey. More about the city:


8.Stratonikeia Ancient City

The city of retired gladiators in Turkey, a member of UNESCO World Heritage Tentative Lists. The city had been home to many civilizations including the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Anatolian Beylics, Ottoman and Turkish Republican eras. Today located in Yatağan District of Muğla Province of Turkey. More about the city:


9.Iassos Ancient City

The site was famous with its fish market. Today located in Milas District of Muğla Province of Turkey. More about the city:


