“Kimelet Her Cinderella!”

Kim Vaughn
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2016

Yep, starting here is good. “Kimelet Her Cinderella” was a song I made up and would sing while I was frustrated with doing everything for everybody. I grew up with the quirky little jingle in my head, even joking with my best friend about it when describing how crazy my life felt. “Let her do it, let her take it,” were the labels on my back. You see, I am the middle child of three. I was the optimistic one of the bunch who wanted to be just like the “Huxtables.” So, I attempted to bring peace to every bad vibe in my home. It was my choice to jump in and make ‘my world’ a better place. And, so I tried.

My mamma got home at exactly 5:15 in the afternoons. I vividly remember checking to see if my siblings had done what they were told to do around 5:00 every afternoon. If it had not been done, guess what, I made sure it was done by the time mamma walked in the door! 15 minutes!! Oh, you better believe the chicken was taken out of the freezer. The kitchen floor was (spot) mopped with the perfect scent of Clorox. And, the floor had some deep-creased lines of fresh vacuuming! Do you get it? Yep, I was the family rescuer. I was the peacemaker. I loved hearing…peace and quiet! I loved not getting punished because the others didn’t do it. Most of all, with chores done, I could go back to pretending that everything was fine, normal, and great…just like the “Huxtables,” right?!

Fast forward many years and I had come to realize that I not only carried the rescuer and peacemaker pattern into unhealthy relationships, but also entertained a couple of more destructive patterns of character. I was easily manipulated, a people pleaser, scapegoat, and just in fear about making a move without having approval. Many years of being stuck in a box that I allowed to be built and even decorated.

I have fought my way out of the box and still fight to remain free. I’m willing to share with other women who have stories similar to mine. Women who are fed up with themselves and how far they’ve drifted away from recognizing who they genuinely are. I help women to discover that they don’t have to be stuck in destructive cycles, by helping them to shift focus and re-position their own life, even when everything around them seems to be chaotic. My intentions are to start the conversation here and continue the journey of overcoming these and other issues in my #OVERCOME Mentoring program.

