Setting up Development Environment on Google Cloud

Deepak kumar Gunjetti
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2020

Moving Development Environment to remote server on cloud provides lot of benefits.

  • Secure the access to source code.
  • Access to bigger compute and storage resources.
  • Enables Developers to work from any location.

In this blog we will setup a development server on Google Cloud.

Below is an illustration. It containes components that are billable by Google Cloud.

Install Cloud SDK

Login with google account

gcloud auth login

Setup following variables which we will use in gcloud commands.

PROJECT_ID=”Enter project-name"
BILLING_ACCOUNT=”Enter your billing account number"

Create/Set into project for Development Environment.

gcloud projects create ${PROJECT_ID}gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}gcloud config set compute/region ${REGION}gcloud config set compute/zone ${ZONE}gcloud alpha billing accounts listgcloud alpha billing projects link ${PROJECT_ID} \
--billing-account ${BILLING_ACCOUNT}

Create a custom network and subnetwork.

gcloud compute networks create ${NETWORK_NAME} \
--bgp-routing-mode=global \
gcloud compute networks subnets create ${SUBNET_NAME} \
--network=${NETWORK_NAME} \
--range=${IP_RANGE} \
--region=${REGION} \

Create VM instance with no external IP address.

gcloud compute instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} \
--network=${NETWORK_NAME} \
--subnet=${SUBNET_NAME} \
--machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
--image=ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20200317 \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
--zone=${ZONE} \
--tags=http-tag \
--no-address \
--metadata enable-oslogin=TRUE \
--boot-disk-size=10GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-standard \
--boot-disk-device-name=${INSTANCE_NAME} \

Create a NAT router instance to enable VM instance to connect to internet.

This is required to download sofware packages, access Git repositories from VM.

gcloud compute routers create ${NAT_ROUTER} \
--network ${NETWORK_NAME} \
--region ${REGION}
gcloud compute routers nats create ${NAT_CONFIG} \
--router-region ${REGION} \
--router ${NAT_ROUTER} \
--nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \

Identity-aware proxy

Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) enables secure access to resources on cloud. IAP works by verifying user identity and context of the request to determine if a user should be allowed to access the resource. This enables developers to work from untrusted networks without the use of a VPN.

Setup firewall rule to allow traffic from IAP on port 22.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ${ALLOW_SSH_FROM_IAP} \
--network=${NETWORK_NAME} \
--source-ranges= \
--target-tags=http-tag \
--allow tcp:22

Set up IAP

  • In the Cloud Console, go to the “Security > Identity-Aware Proxy” page.
  • Configure OAuth consent screen. Go to the OAuth consent screen.
  • Set ‘User Type’ as Internal.
  • Enter Support email you want to display as a public contact.
  • Enter the Application name you want to display.
  • Click Save.

Add members to the access list

  • In the Cloud Console, go to the “Security > Identity-Aware Proxy” page.
  • Click on tab ‘SSH AND TCP RESOURCES’
  • Click on resource, Click Add member.
  • Add members email address.
  • Select role ‘Cloud IAP’ -> IAP-secured Tunnel User
  • Click ‘Save’

Try to ssh from Developer’s laptop

  • Establish ssh tunnel between VM and laptop.
gcloud compute ssh ${INSTANCE_NAME} --tunnel-through-iap

Setup VS Code

We will setup VS Code to access VM remotely.

  • Install remote development extension pack.

Get ssh command

  • Get the internal ssh command used by ‘gcloud compute ssh’ to connect to VM, we will use this in VS code to remote-ssh.
gcloud compute ssh ${INSTANCE_NAME} --tunnel-through-iap --dry-run/usr/bin/ssh -t -i /Users/userid/.ssh/google_compute_engine -o CheckHostIP=no -o HostKeyAlias=compute.477310433786 -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/Users/userid/.ssh/google_compute_known_hosts -o ProxyCommand /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ -S /Users/userid/google-cloud-sdk2/lib/ compute start-iap-tunnel dev-vm %p --listen-on-stdin --project=project-id --zone=us-central1-a --verbosity=warning -o ProxyUseFdpass=no userid@compute.477310433786
  • copy the ssh command
  • remove ‘/usr/bin’ in ssh command and enclose ProxyCommand within double quotes.
ssh -t -i /Users/userid/.ssh/google_compute_engine -o CheckHostIP=no -o HostKeyAlias=compute.477310433786 -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/Users/userid/.ssh/google_compute_known_hosts -o ProxyCommand "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ -S /Users/userid/google-cloud-sdk2/lib/ compute start-iap-tunnel dev-vm %p --listen-on-stdin --project=project-id --zone=us-central1-a --verbosity=warning" -o ProxyUseFdpass=no userid@compute.477310433786

Remote-ssh: Add new host

  • Cmd + Shift + P on VS code.
  • Remote-ssh: Add New Host
  • Paste the ssh command, press enter.
  • select configuration file /Users/<userid>/.ssh/config

Remote-ssh: Connect host

  • Cmd + Shift + P
  • Remote-ssh: Connect Host
  • Select Compute instance.

You should be able to connect to server. Select root folder.

You have setup Development server with VM instance, Identity-aware proxy for secure access and connected VS Code to VM instance via ssh tunnel.


Deleting the project deletes all associated resources.

gcloud projects delete ${PROJECT_ID}

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

