Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) for EBS Snapshots

Girish V P
ADIBI Technologies, Basavanagudi, Blore.
2 min readFeb 28, 2019

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) for EBS Snapshots can schedule the back up Amazon EBS volumes into EBS Snapshots. This service allows to define backup and retention schedules for EBS snapshots by creating lifecycle policies based on tags of EBS volume. Let us see an experiment to do this.

  1. Create a small EBS volume of size 1 GB and assign tag “Name:test”.

2) From AWS web console access EC2 window. Left pane under Elastic Block Store, Click Lifecycle Manager. In the right pane click Create Snapshot Lifecycle Policy. Enter the values like below screenshot. Values for each parameter is arbitrary and you can choose your own. All parameters are self explanatory. After all values are entered click Create Policy.

3) Testing: Wait till the scheduled start time of creation of snapshot or one more hour. You can see snapshot created like below

Disclaimer: You are requested to test the configuration thoroughly before you implement in the production setup.

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