Blinded Eyes, Awakened Heart

Andrew J. Mair
My Sleeve Where It Should Be
2 min readApr 8, 2024


From darkness sprung, at His command, to light,

My blinded eyes were opened wide to sight.

A miracle, they said, had come to pass,

Yet deeper still, His work within my heart amassed.


At first, the world in vibrant hues I saw,

Astonished by the beauty, free from flaw.

But as I gazed upon the face of day,

A greater change within began to sway.


The healing of my eyes was but a start,

For Jesus aimed much higher, at my heart.

He showed me love, in pure and boundless streams,

And taught me faith is more than fleeting dreams.


With sight restored, I saw His face so clear,

But through His words, His heart drew even nearer.

He spoke of love, of giving, and of grace,

And in His gaze, I found a sacred place.


The truest miracle was not my sight,

But how He changed my darkness into light.

Not just the light that fills the waking day,

