Andrew’s manifesto

Speaking truth to power: 1, 2 , 3, 4 & 5

Andrew Zolnai
Andrew Zolnai
2 min readAug 6, 2020


Broad Lane Pond, Cottenham

This follows on the previous post on co-counselling used here, and follows in the next post a response to climate emergency detractor.

Free time in confinement gave me an opportunity to think about my situation in the context of Quakers, Extinction Rebellion and my social enterprise. The reason I found my niche with these three is that I always seek and communicate the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is. This comes in part from an education acquired during my travels, and from my status as refugee / foreigner, certainly privileged but less well off outside the local bubble.

My insatiable curiosity was not only a reliable motor, but also a means of safeguarding me vis-à-vis my hosts, whom I supported if not understood but never attacked. Middle class are those identified by the owning &/or political class to be placed in positions of leadership. I found myself midstream — fulfilling this role of course but within my integrity — so I decamped as soon as I was pushed outside of it: I thus had no career in the classic sense … but so is this post-modern period anything but classic! The pandemic and the climate emergency only highlighted what began after two world wars.

I have a privileged view at the edge of the arena, below the seats but not in the median itself.

That’s why I worry so much about all manner of things, and why I do co-counselling: it certainly is not easy for me or those around me, but it is a continuous process I undertake consciously. Cambridgeshire Quakers give me a spiritual home, my own family of choice supports me, and my family of birth as best they can, as do my friends & colleagues depending on whether they also seek their own truths. Last but not least, my social enterprise plans to foster a supportive local environment.

Here are the three demands by Extinction Rebellion of the authorities on the climate emergency: tell the truth, do not delay and act outside politics. Likewise I will not stop pushing for as much clarity as possible— if we cannot change the facts, we can change their understanding — as soon as possible and outside the framework of our own environs.

We all do this jointly and severally, and staking out a few of my markers may help us stay all together.

