
Learn Android Application Security Testing with AndroGoat

Intercept HTTPS Traffic from Android App — AndroGoat -Part 3


In Intercept HTTPS Traffic from Android App — AndroGoat -Part 2 it was shown how to repackage the application to bypass network security config. In this section I’ll show you one more technique to bypass network security config to intercept https traffic from Android 7 or above devices with the help of Frida.


1. Use Android device with Android 7 or above devices

2. Make sure Frida is installed and running as explained in Frida Installation

3. Uninstall any previous AndroGoat applications

4. Install AndroGoat app without network_security_config and open the app

5. Connect android device using USB to laptop

6. Download frida script that bypasses network_security_config settings from

7. Run following command

frida -U -l network_security_config.js owasp.sat.agoat

8. Follow the steps from Intercept HTTPS Traffic from Android App — AndroGoat -Part 1

9. You should see request intercepted in Burp.

Happy Learning

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Published in AndroGoat

Learn Android Application Security Testing with AndroGoat

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