Getting started with jetpack compose — Modifiers

Velmurugan Murugesan
Published in
11 min readAug 27, 2021

Modifiers are used to modifier certain aspects of how the component is displayed on the screen. The Modifier itself is an interface, so we don’t directly instantiate an instance of that — instead, we use the provided subclasses to decorate our component in some way.

And when it comes to applying these modifiers, we can supply either a single modifier for our component or chain multiple modifiers together to apply multiple decorations to view components.

Modifiers let you,

  • Change the composables behaviour and appearance
  • Add information like accessibility labels
  • Process user input
  • Add high-level interactions like making an element clickable, scrollable, draggable or zoomable.

Combine Modifier

We can chaining multiple modifiers at a time to the composable.

fun CombinedModifier() {
Text(text = "Jetpack compose", modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.Black).padding(10.dp) )

In the above code, we are adding a size modifier, background modifier, and padding modifier. We can add any modifiers like this.

Modifier Ordering

Modifiers will be executed in the order of what we provided. For example,

fun DisplayMessage() {
Text(text = "Hello World!", modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp, 100.dp)

In the modifiers, we are setting padding first, after that we are setting the grey background. that is why you can able to see the padding applied to the full view after that the grey background is added.

fun DisplayMessage() {
Text(text = "Hello World!", modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp, 100.dp)

Now, I have added background first in the modifier. So that the grey background was added to the view first, then the padding was applied.

Size Modifier

The Size modifier allows us to set an exact value for both the width and the height of the desired component.


Modifier.size(size: Dp)

Used to set the same width and height for the composable element.

fun SizeModifier() {
Column(Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp,100.dp))

Modifier.size(width: Dp, height: Dp)

This modifier is used to set the different Widths and heights for the composable element.

fun SizeModifier() {
Column(Modifier.size(200.dp, 100.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp,100.dp))


Modifier.width(width: Dp)

The width modifier is used to set the width for the component.

fun SizeModifier() {
Column(Modifier.width(200.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp,100.dp))


Modifier.height(height: Dp)

Declare the preferred height of the content to be exactly.

fun SizeModifier() {
Column(Modifier.height(200.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp,100.dp))


Modifier.fillMaxSize(fraction: Float = 1f)

This will set the height/width of the Composable to the maximum available height/width.

fun SizeModifier() {
Column(Modifier.size(150.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(Color.Gray))

FillMaxSize accepts one parameter.

fraction — The fraction of the maximum size to use, between 0 and 1, inclusive. by default fraction 1.0f. so the composable will take full width and height. But If the fraction is 0.5f. then the composable will take half of the width and height. check below example,

fun SizeModifier() {
Column(Modifier.size(150.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(0.5f).background(Color.Gray))


Modifier.fillMaxHeight(fraction: Float = 1f)

This will set the height of the Composable to the maximum available height.

This will accept one parameter fraction.

fun SizeModifier() {
Row(Modifier.size(150.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.fillMaxHeight().background(Color.Gray))


Modifier.fillMaxWidth(fraction: Float)

This will set the width of the Composable to the maximum available width.

fun SizeModifier() {
Row(Modifier.size(150.dp)) {
Text(text = "Hello", modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(Color.Gray))


Modifier.padding(start: Dp = 0.dp, top: Dp = 0.dp, end: Dp = 0.dp, bottom: Dp = 0.dp): Modifier

Apply additional space along each edge of the content in Dp: start, top, end, and bottom.

fun PaddingAllSide() {
Text(text = "Jetpack Padding", Modifier.padding(30.dp,10.dp,30.dp,10.dp))

Padding was added to all the sides of the Text. 30.Dp to Start and End. 10.Dp for top and bottom.

Modifier.padding(horizontal: Dp = 0.dp, vertical: Dp = 0.dp): Modifier

Apply horizontal dp space along the left and right edges of the content, and vertical dp space along the top and bottom edges.

fun PaddingVerticalAndHorizontal() {
Text(text = "Jetpack Padding", Modifier.padding(30.dp,10.dp))

Apply all dp of additional space along each edge of the content, left, top, right, and bottom.

fun PaddingAll() {
Text(text = "Jetpack Padding", Modifier.padding(30.dp))

Modifier.aspectRatio(ratio: Float,matchHeightConstraintsFirst: Boolean = false): Modifier

Using the aspect ratio modifier allows us to enforce a ratio for the sizing of our component, meaning that our component’s height and width will expand to fill the specified aspect ratio.

For example, if we wished to use the 1(height):2(Width) aspect ratio then we could pass the corresponding float value for that ratio :

fun AspectRadio() {
Text(text = "Jetpack Padding", Modifier.aspectRatio(2f))


Modifier.scale(scale: Float): Modifier

Scale the contents of both the horizontal and vertical axis uniformly by the same scale factor.

fun ScaleAll() {
Box(Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
Text(text = "Compose Scale", Modifier

This will scale Text in both X and Y-Axis.

Modifier.scale(scaleX: Float, scaleY: Float): Modifier

Scale the contents of the composable by the following scale factors along the horizontal and vertical axis respectively. Negative scale factors can be used to mirror content across the corresponding horizontal or vertical axis.

fun ScaleAxis() {
Box(Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
Text(text = "Compose Scale", Modifier

Draw Modifiers


Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape): Modifier

With this modifier, you can set a background color/shape for the Composable.

fun BackgroundModifier() {
Text(text = "Hello Jetpack Compose", Modifier.background(Color.Red))


color: Color — color to paint background with

s hape: Shape — Set the desired shape of the background. Default RectangleShape.

Modifier.background(brush: Brush,shape: Shape = RectangleShape,alpha: Float = 1.0f): Modifier

With this modifier, we can set the background color for View and Share. Also, we can adjust the opacity of the background.

brush: Brush — brush to paint background with

shape: Shape — set the desired shape of the background

alpha: Float — Default 1.0f — Opacity to be applied to the brush, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely opaque. The value must be between 0 and 1.

fun BackgroundWithShapeModifier() {
val gradientBrush = Brush.horizontalGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Gray, Color.DarkGray),
startX = 0.0f,
endX = 500.0f
Text(text = "Hello Jetpack Compose", Modifier
.background(gradientBrush, CutCornerShape(8.dp),1.0f)


Modifier.border(width: Dp, color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape): Modifier

Border() is used to set the border for the composable. This will take three parameters,


width: Dp — width of the border

color: Color — Color of the border

shape: Shape — RectangleShape (Default) — the shape of the border

fun BorderModifier() {
Text(text = "Hello Jetpack Compose", Modifier
.border(4.dp, Color.DarkGray)

Modifier.border(width: Dp, brush: Brush, shape: Shape): Modifier

This border() is used to draw the border using a brush. We can crate brush by using a gradient.


width: Dp — width of the border

brush: Brush — brush to paint the border with

shape: Shape — RectangleShape (Default) — the shape of the border

fun BorderWithBrush() {
val gradientBrush = Brush.horizontalGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Green),
startX = 0.0f,
endX = 500.0f,
tileMode = TileMode.Repeated
"Hello Jetpack Compose",
modifier = Modifier
.border(width = 2.dp, brush = gradientBrush, shape = CircleShape)


Modifier.clip(shape: Shape): Modifier

Clip the content to the desired shape (RectangleShape, CircleShape).

fun ClipModifier() {
"Hello Jetpack Compose",
modifier = Modifier


Modifier.clipToBounds(): Modifier

Clip the content to the bounds of a layer defined at this modifier.

fun ClipModifier() {
"Hello Jetpack Compose",
modifier = Modifier


Modifier.alpha(alpha: Float): Modifier

Draw content with modified visibility. The range will be 0f to 1f.

fun AlphaModifier() {
"Hello Jetpack Compose",
modifier = Modifier


Modifier.rotate(degrees: Float): Modifier

Sets the degrees the view is rotated around the center of the composable.

fun RotateModifier() {
Row(Modifier.fillMaxSize(), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
"Hello Jetpack Compose",
modifier = Modifier


Modifier.shadow(elevation: Dp,shape: Shape = RectangleShape,
clip: Boolean = elevation > 0.dp): Modifier

The shadow() is used to adding shadow around the composable.

elevation: Dp — The elevation for the shadow in pixels

shape: Shape — RectangleShape(Default) — Defines a shape of the physical object

clip: Boolean — elevation > 0.dp (Default) — When active, the content drawing clips to the shape.

fun ShadowModifier() {
"Hello Jetpack Compose",
modifier = Modifier
.shadow(4.dp, CircleShape)

Gesture Modifiers


Modifier.clickable(enabled: Boolean = true, onClickLabel: String? = null, role: Role? = null,
onClick: () -> Unit): Modifier

Configure component to receive clicks via input or accessibility “click” event.

enabled: Boolean — true (Default)- Controls the enabled state. When false, onClick, and this modifier will appear disabled for accessibility services

onClickLabel: String? = null (Default)- semantic / accessibility label for the onClick action

role: Role? = null (Default)- the type of user interface element. Accessibility services might use this to describe the element or do customizations

onClick: () -> Unit — will be called when the user clicks on the element

fun ClickableModifier() {
val context = LocalContext.current
text = "Hello Jetpack Compose", Modifier
.clickable {
.makeText(context, "Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)


Modifier.selectable(selected: Boolean, enabled: Boolean = true, role: Role? = null,
onClick: () -> Unit): Modifier

Configure components to be selectable, usually as a part of a mutually exclusive group, where only one item can be selected at any point in time.


selected: Boolean — whether or not this item is selected in a mutual exclusion set

enabled: Boolean — true (Default) — whether or not this selectable will handle input events and appear enabled from a semantics perspective

role: Role? = null (Default) — the type of user interface element. Accessibility services might use this to describe the element or do customizations

onClick: () -> Unit — callback to invoke when this item is clicked

fun SelectableModifier() {
var selected by remember {
val selectedColor = if (selected) Color.Black else Color.Gray
Text(text = "Jetpack compose", color = selectedColor, modifier = Modifier.selectable(
selected = selected,onClick = {
selected = !selected


Modifier.swipeable(state: SwipeableState,anchors: Map,orientation: Orientation,enabled: Boolean = true,reverseDirection: Boolean = false,interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
thresholds: (from, to) -> ThresholdConfig = { , -> FixedThreshold(56.dp) },
resistance: ResistanceConfig?= resistanceConfig(anchors.keys),velocityThreshold: Dp = VelocityThreshold): @ExperimentalMaterialApi Modifier

Enable swipe gestures between a set of predefined states.


s tate: SwipeableState — The state of the swipeable.

anchors: Map — Pairs of anchors and states, used to map anchors to states and vice versa.

orientation: Orientation — The orientation in which the swipeable can be swiped.

enabled: Boolean = true — Whether this swipeable is enabled and should react to the user’s input.

reverseDirection: Boolean = false — Whether to reverse the direction of the swipe, so a top to bottom swipe will behave like bottom to top, and a left to right swipe will behave like right to left.

i nteractionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null — Optional MutableInteractionSource that will passed on to the internal Modifier.draggable.

thresholds: (from, to) -> ThresholdConfig = { , -> FixedThreshold(56.dp) } — Specifies where the thresholds between the states are. The thresholds will be used to determine which state to animate to when swiping stops. This is represented as a lambda that takes two states and returns the threshold between them in the form of a ThresholdConfig. Note that the order of the states corresponds to the swipe direction.

resistance: ResistanceConfig? = resistanceConfig(anchors.keys) — Controls how much resistance will be applied when swiping past the bounds.

velocityThreshold: Dp = VelocityThreshold — The threshold (in dp per second) that the end velocity has to exceed in order to animate to the next state, even if the positional thresholds have not been reached.

fun SwipeableModifier() {
val width = 320.dp
val squareSize = 50.dp
val barSize = 20.dp

val swipeableState = rememberSwipeableState("A")
val sizePx = with(LocalDensity.current) { (width - squareSize).toPx() }
val anchors = mapOf(0f to "A", sizePx / 2 to "B", sizePx to "C")

Column {
modifier = Modifier
state = swipeableState,
anchors = anchors,
thresholds = { _, _ -> FractionalThreshold(0.5f) },
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
) {

Text(text = "", Modifier.width(width).height(barSize)
.background(Color.Black, shape = CircleShape).align(Alignment.CenterStart))

.offset { IntOffset(swipeableState.offset.value.roundToInt() , 0) }
.background(Color.Blue,shape = CircleShape), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(swipeableState.currentValue, color = Color.White, fontSize = 24.sp)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp))


In the above example, First I have created Box view and make it swipeable. On top of it, I have added another Box view for the Swipe handler. Now the View on top of the swipe view is swipeable.


Modifier.onKeyEvent(onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean): Modifier

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept hardware key events when it (or one of its children) is focused.

fun OnKeyEventModifier() {
var name by remember {
TextField(value = name, onValueChange = {name = it},
Modifier.onKeyEvent {
if (it.key.keyCode == Key.Enter.keyCode) {
name = ""
return@onKeyEvent true

Thanks for reading. You can download this example from GitHub.

Originally published at on August 27, 2021.




Published in Howtodoandroid

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Velmurugan Murugesan
Velmurugan Murugesan

Written by Velmurugan Murugesan

Lead Android Engineer @htcindia | @github contributor | Blog writer @howtodoandroid | Quick Learner

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