Google I/O 2018 Highlights

Faruk Toptaş
Android Bits
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2018

This year I attended to Google I/O. It was a great experience for me. There were thousands of people all around the world to see what the future holds for their favourite Google products.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Almost all of the new features are enriched with AI. From developers to end users everyone will be able to use the power of AI.

Google CEOSundar Pichai talked about the mission about AI and how it helps industries like healthcare and predict certain events. Then new features came one by one.

Google Assistant

Google Assistant will soon get 6 new voices including singer John Legend. It sounds much more natural like a human.

You don’t need to say “Hey Google” each time. Once conversation is started you can continue talking to assistant with a feature called Continued Conversations. Assistant will also understand multiple and complex question in one sentence.

Google Duplex

The most impressive moment of the keynote was Google Assistant making a phone call for a hairdresser reservation.

Android P

Android P focuses on “digital well-being” Google wants you you to spent less time with your phone. It gives you information about how you use your phone and how to control your usage.You can set limits for app usages.

Android P brings a new navigation system for a better user experience.


Gmail Smart Compose

AI writes your email for you. Gmail auto completes emails with a feature called Smart Compose.

AR Powered Google Maps

Point your camera in a direction, and Google will pair AI with Street View data to give you an interactive, AR turn-by-turn experience when you’re on the move. There’s even a cute little fox to help keep you on course.


Socialized Google Maps

A new For You tab lets you follow specific neighborhoods to see new restaurants and business that are trending among other users. And you can even coordinate with friends in real time to make a “shortlist” when choosing a place to eat at.


Google Photos

AI Powered Google Photos can spot your friends in you photos and offers to share photos with them. With Suggested Actions feature Google Photos can understand the content of your photo and suggests an action. For example suggest to colorise a grayscale photo or crop/adjust/fix a document to optimise it.

by Google/Businessinsider

Google News

Google News uses artificial intelligence to analyze all the content published to the web at any moment, and organize all of those articles, videos, and more into storylines. It spots the ones you might be interested in and puts them in your briefing.

Google Lens

Google Lens will be integrated into the camera soon. You will be able to highlight the text with your finger and copy it to your phone.

Google Lens has a new feature called Style Match. If you point your camera at an object, with object recognition and machine learning it helps you to buy that item online or show similar styles you may like.

These are highlights from #io18. But there are more. For more details you can watch the sessions from Google Developers channel.

Happy readings :)

