Write for Android Developers Corner

Sahil Dudeja
1 min readMar 8, 2021


Have something to share? Please follow these steps to submit your article 👨🏻‍💻

What is Android Developers Corner?

ADC is a medium publications page for android developers and enthusiast to learn and share anything related to code, development, tools, tips and tricks.

We expect writers who submit their articles targeting to Android Developers. This can cover any of the following categories

  • Android Development
  • Android Tools
  • Today I Learned (any tips/tricks)
  • Development Tools

How to submit?

If you are interested to feature your article with us, send an email androiddevcorner@outlook.com

The format of the email must look like this:

  • Subject: “Article Submission for ADC”
  • Your name
  • Your Medium profile link
  • Your article title
  • Your article link

Please do not email us the article.

  1. In case you want to write new article: Just let us know that you would like to participate in publishing articles and we will add you as a writer
  2. In case you want to publish your existing article: Just click the menu in the top right of Medium, click “Add to Publication” on your draft, and we’ll get the notification and respond usually within 24 hours.

For more help read here.

