Android Interview Questions and Answers — Part 2

Dagger2, Proguard, Threads, Architecture and Security

Siva Ganesh Kantamani
Programming Geeks


Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Android is one of the leading platforms in mobile development. If you want to reach millions of potential users, defiantly android would be at the top of your list. With this increasing hype, many software engineers choosing android development as their carrier choice.

I’m an android developer for more than five years now, and I’ve been on both sides of the table when it comes to android interviews. So I decided to write a series of articles about android interview Q&A.

Android interviews are a mix of many concepts like android basic to advanced concepts, Kotlin, coroutines, RxJava, Architectures, Design patterns, solid principles, and more. It’s highly impossible to include all of them in a single article. So I’ve started with android basics in part 1 of this series, and in this part, we’re to deal with some complicated concepts like Dagger2, Proguard, Threads, and more.

Without any further delay, let’s get started:

Dependency Injection…

