How to check or upgrade version name and version code of the application in Android studio

Siva Ganesh Kantamani
Programming Geeks
Published in
1 min readJul 5, 2017

First things first, coming to Android development eclipse era has ended, so I don’t discuss about Eclipse tool.

Coming to Android studio you can check the present application version name and code in two ways

Step 1 :

manifest file ->manifest tag ->

there will be direct attributes



Step 2:

Go to build gradle (Module app)

In build gradle you will see defaultConfig segment in which you can find the attributes as

versionCode 1

versionName 1.0

Now that we knew how check the version name and code

Let’s dig deep

After publishing your app in play store you should be giving updates for users, in order to upload the app to play store as an update to existing you should genearte APK with

  • Same release keystore as done before
  • You should increase VERSION NAME AND CODE

You should not decrease version name or code while uploading APK to play store

In order to increase or change versionCode and versionName you first update them in manifest top tag as discussed before and then in gradle file too ,after that sync the project.

If there are no tags(versionName & versionCode) in manifest file don’t worry those are not mandatory.

That’s all here we go the app with new new version.

If you feel this article as anyway useful recommend it.Thanks for reading

