Dev-Site Submission

Eudy Contreras
Android Dev-site


Android Dev-Site was founded by a team of experienced Android Development junkies. Our goal is to provide the android developer community with high quality development resources and content. If you wish to share valuable knowledge or share a resource with the community we would be more than happy to feature and promote your article at the android development site community!

What belongs at Dev-Site.

  • Technical “ how to implement” articles.
  • Android library or framework information, guides and tutorials
  • Beginner, Intermediate and advanced android guides.

Article content guidelines

Below you’ll find some guidelines and expectations that need to be met in order for your article to be featured at Dev-Site:

  1. The topic of the article being submitted must be strictly about android application development.
  2. The article must somehow provide the reader with some development knowledge or resource.
  3. The article is not already published in another publication on Medium (It isn’t possible to add it to multiple publications at once)
  4. The article should state the expertise level of the reader in the title (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).
  5. The article must be written in english, proofread and spellchecked.
  6. The content of the article must be well-structured and should follow standard writing and grammar guidelines.
  7. Library and framework promotions must include a “how to guide” and a description. Make sure to touch the current state of affairs of the solution you are offering to the community.
  8. The article should be non-profitable and it should not be behind any kind of paywall.
  9. The article must include a featured image which will be visible when listed or featured in one of our sections.
  10. When possible, please take advantage of code formatting and syntax highlighting benefits provided by Github gists when using code snippets.
  11. Use images and gifs wisely, do not overuse them.

For a general guide about submitting to publications please check out:

How to submit:

New authors and new ideas are always welcomed! If your article meets our guidelines, all you have to do is fill in a submission request using the form below.

Thank you very much for your contribution to this community. I am really excited that you chose to feature your article at Dev-Site. You’ll be hearing from us within 36 hours.



Eudy Contreras
Android Dev-site

Programming enthusiast with an interest for Android Application Development.