1st Android meetup —The beginning of a wonderful journey

Umesh Basnet
Android Developers Nepal — MDN
3 min readOct 14, 2017

Human beings are social animals. We need each other to survive. Same is true for things like study and work. Consequently this is where most communities thrive. Sharing knowledge and supporting each other will never fail. With these things in mind some of the developers came together for the 1st Android Meetup as the first step towards this long journey.

During the meetup the participants recalled their humble beginnings into the platform. They shared challenges they faced along the way; everyone had unique experiences and knowledge to impart. The participants agreed on the lack of an Android community; expressing the potential for growth in collaboration if present. The meetup ended on a consensus of forming an Android community being a necessity and anyone contributing to its growth in any way, shape or form is most welcome.

Here’s what the participants had to say about the meetup:

It was great to see people enthusiastic about the meetup and sharing sentiments regarding forming a community around Android. I am hoping the steps we planned during our meetup will encourage people the join the community and be a part of this movement. — Rakeeb Rajbhandari

This meetup was a new experience for me. It was informative and helpful. I had a great time sharing my experiences and it felt good to listening to the experiences from fellow developers as well.

Since this was the first meetup we were short in number; just the four of us, regardless it was a chance to for fellowship. We had a lot of to talk about and I felt comfortable while having the conversation. We discussed on forming a community in Nepal so that we can share our work and in the process help guide each other out.

Besides the formal meet up we had some casual talks and of course cracked some jokes and took few pictures together. It’s great that Rakeeb dai has taken this initiative and is working on this, Hats off to him and lets make an effort from all of us to form and run this community. — Rishab Maharjan

Loved spending some time discussing all things related to Android with fellow Android developers.. hope the community grows even larger :) — Prajwal Maharjan

Glimpses of 1st Android meetup from Android Developers Nepal (AndDevNepal)

We plan to take the following course of action to bring the Android community together —

  • Invite people onto Slack where we can discuss on all things Android. We have dedicated channels for sharing links, resources and other Android magic ;)
Android Developers Nepal (AndDevNepal in short)

Android Developers Nepal (AndDevNepal in short) is the outcome of the meetup and is a sub division of the Mobile Developers Nepal community which falls under the family tree of Developers Nepal.

This is an open invitation to anyone and everyone to help AndDevNepal build a strong foundation by collaborating with us on Slack, Medium, or Github.

Be together. Not the same.

