Retrofit with Kotlin Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture, and MVVM

Oussama Azizi
Android Development Hub
3 min readApr 4, 2023


Retrofit is a popular library for making network requests in Android apps. With the rise of Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, it’s important to know how to use Retrofit in these new technologies. In this article, we’ll show you how to use Retrofit with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose while following the Clean Architecture pattern.

Clean Architecture is a software design pattern that separates the concerns of an app into layers. This pattern allows for easier testing, maintainability, and scalability. In Clean Architecture, there are three main layers: Domain, Data, and Presentation.

  1. The Domain Layer is the core of the app and contains the business logic. This layer should not be dependent on any other layer and should not know about the implementation details of the other layers.
  2. The Data Layer is responsible for providing data to the Domain Layer. This layer communicates with external sources such as the network or a local database.
  3. The Presentation Layer is responsible for displaying data to the user. In Android apps, this layer is often implemented using a UI framework such as Jetpack Compose.

Now, let’s see how we can use Retrofit with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose while following the Clean Architecture pattern.

