Material Events on Calendar is now on Git

Chintan Patel
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018

After so much time from writing the article about to develop material events on calendar with Kotlin in android, now I have pushed library for same on Github.

To use this without giving your time and efforts, to save your time to make your project fill with event calendar, use this library as shown below.

Link for library on Github is

To add this library in your code, you will need to add maven( in your root gradle file

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }

Now, paste this dependency in your app level gradle file

dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.chintan369:Material-Event-On-Calendar:latest-release'

Latest release you can find on github

And lastly put it in your layout.xml file as


and in your class/ kotlin file, you can use to add event as below.

val eventList: ArrayList<EventItem> = arrayListOf()

EventItem("21-11-2018", "29-11-2018", "Gujarat Trip", "#EEFFCC", "1")
EventItem("30-11-2018", "02-12-2018", "Meeting")

eventCalendar.setCalenderEventClickListener(object : CalenderView.CalenderEventClickListener {
override fun onEventClick(eventItem: EventItem) {
//put your logic on event click

EventItem("05-12-2018", "07-12-2018")

Pass true as second argument in addEventList() / addEvent(), if you want to clear previous events and add only you passed in first argument.

You can also change the header text color using setHeaderColor(color)

That’s Done.

Please give your comments if you like this work. Thanks



Chintan Patel

Project Manager | Content Writer | Mentor | Senior Mobile App Developer | Enthusiastic | Energetic | Public Speaker